The theme branch of "Healthy Chinese Medicine" was held smoothly

Author:Healthy China Observation Time:2022.07.20

On July 18, 2022, at the time of the State Council's third anniversary of the implementation of a healthy China Action, the 2022 Healthy China Development Conference was successfully held in Beijing. The purpose of this conference aims to "jointly build and share national health", and the goal of cooperating with the promotion of health China. The third anniversary exhibition of the health China Action was held, and the theme exhibition area of ​​the "Healthy Chinese Medical Medicine" was set up. Work progress, important results and typical experience.

At the theme branch of the "Healthy Chinese Medicine" held in the afternoon, Mao Qunan, Deputy Director of the Office of the Health China Action Promotion Committee, Mao Qunan, Director of Planning Development and Informatization of the National Health and Health Commission, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, director of the China Population and Development Research Center, and the population of the population He Health Magazine, Health China Observing Magazine He Dan, editor -in -chief of Health News, Sun Wei, and Liu Fudong, deputy secretary -general of the Chinese Hospital Association.

In his speech, Mao Qunan pointed out that in the promotion of healthy China, medical and health institutions and medical staff should play the role of the main force and demonstration. "Healthy Chinese Medicine" is the requirements of the Health China Action Promotion Committee on the medical and health system. It is necessary to adhere to prevention -oriented and move forward, and truly transform from "cure disease" to "people's health". It is hoped that medical and health institutions will actively promote health promotion of hospital construction, care about the physical and mental health of medical staff, and create a good work, study and living environment for medical staff; pay attention to the physical and mental needs of the masses, and send scientific and effective health education to the masses in time. Medical staff should take the lead in advocating a civilized healthy green and environmentally friendly lifestyle in the whole society, and jointly integrate health promotion into the entire process of prevention, medical care, rehabilitation and other medical and health services. At present, many hospitals have been explored. The Health China Action Promotion Office will pay close attention to typical cases in various places, vigorously tap and summarize, publicize and promote experience in various places, and choose a batch of health China Action Demonstration Hospitals to select a number of health from medical staff. Chinese action lecturers.

He Dan said in his speech that the series of "Healthy Chinese Medicals" series of activities can mobilize the majority of medical and health institutions and medical staff across the country to practice Jiankang China actions, encourage them to continue to play the leading action, take the lead, and further enhance the satisfaction and satisfaction of the people and the people's satisfaction and Getting sense, forming a good atmosphere for the whole people to build a healthy China. The activity will also further improve the cooperation and exchange mechanism to promote various organizations such as medical institutions, government agencies, colleges, society, associations, foundations, enterprises and other types of organizations in high -quality development, advanced medical quality management and medical innovation practice experience sharing , Institute of medical talent training, health knowledge science and other fields to continuously deepen information sharing and work collaboration, and further promote the implementation of healthy Chinese actions and help the construction of healthy China.

In his speech, Sun Wei said that under the guidance of the Health China Action Office, the Health News Agency joined the Chinese Medical Association, the Chinese Medical Association, the Chinese Hospital Association, and the Chinese Medical Doctors Association in December 2021. Exchange seminars, as of now, medical and health institutions and medical staff have signed a total of 947 "Healthy Chinese Medical Pilot Proposal" online, and reported to the medical recorder 271 cases. According to the agency's initiative, submitting cases, and release of popular science information, the "Healthy Chinese Medical Medical Pioneer" dissemination list is launched every month. The contents and lists of these activities have been integrated and disseminated on many platforms such as Health China Action Specialty Network and Healthy China New Media and other platforms to expand the influence of the activity. After the review of the organizing committee, according to the requirements of the Organizing Committee, according to the prevention and control requirements of the epidemic, the opportunity will be selected and exchanged at the end of the year, and various outstanding cases and excellent organizations are released.

In his speech, Liu Fudong said that under the guidance of the Healthy China Promotion Office, the Chinese Hospital Association launched a "healthy Chinese medical person" activity. Proposal the majority of medical institutions and medical workers across the country, with a stronger sense of responsibility and mission, strive to be the pioneers, vanguard and main forces of healthy Chinese construction, and integrate the spread of health knowledge into the entire diagnosis and treatment process of prevention, medical care, and rehabilitation. Improve the understanding of the construction of healthy China, adhere to the correct health and health work policy, and continue to promote the concept of "cure disease" to "people's health". It provides a solid and healthy foundation for achieving the goal of "two hundred years" and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Subsequently, the "Healthy Chinese Medical Medical Pioneer" case exhibition and series of publicity activities were held. Mao Qunan, deputy director of the Office of Health China Action Promotion Committee, Mao Qunan, Director of Planning and Development and Informatization of the National Health and Health Commission, Sun Wei, editor -in -chief of the Health Newspaper, Liu Fudong, deputy secretary -general of the China Hospital Association, Wang Yongjin, executive deputy secretary -general of the Health China Research Center, Hubei Province Zhang Zewen, deputy director of the Health Committee of the Health Commission Health Hubei Construction Office, Hou Junping, Secretary of the Party Committee of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, and Chai Guanghan, editor -in -chief of Health China Observer Magazine, jointly launched the launch ceremony.

At the same time, the release of the "Pilot Project of the National Innovation of major slow diseases in the country" was launched. Wu Jing, director of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Center, introduced the project.

At the stage of the keynote speech, Zhang Zewen, deputy director of the Hubei Construction Office of the Hubei Provincial Health and Health Committee of Hubei Province, delivered a speech entitled "Implementation of the" 323 "to create a healthy Chinese action" Hubei Model ". In the speech, Deputy Director Zhang Zewen comprehensively promoted the actions of healthy China, focusing on showing Hubei responsibility, and keeping in mind the three aspects of "Hubei Model" to introduce the experience and practices of Hubei Province in detail. Lively discussion. Hou Junping, Secretary of the Party Committee of Qilu Hospital in Shandong, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Qilu Hospital Exploration and Practice" entitled "Qilu Hospital Exploration and Practice". In the speech, Hou Junping's direction, managing the overall situation, making decisions, promoting reforms, and implementing five aspects of the hospital's exploration and experience in detail, so that the participants to truly understand and feel the results of "Qilu experience" brought about Essence

Deputy Dean Wang Ping of Peking University's First Hospital delivered a speech entitled "Healthy China Grassroots". In the speech, Wang Ping took the ability to improve the ability to improve the ability of the general doctor in Miyun District. While how to improve the ability of medical services, promote the construction of healthy China and implement a hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system.

Duan Yunfeng, secretary of the Party Committee of Hunan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, delivered a speech entitled "The Practical Exploration of the Practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Hunan Provincial Medicine Hospital in Healthy China" entitled "Five Thousand Years of TCM". Duan Yunfeng talked about the current situation of the hospital, clarified the vision of the hospital's "benchmarking national team, leading the Hunan Chinese medicine", introduced the hospital's "leading Chinese medicine, surgery priority" action strategy, and showed the hospital's achievements and development. Duan Yunfeng said that on the road of health China, the hospital will continue to inherit the essence of the five thousand years of health and health of Chinese medicine, and give full play to the characteristics of the health and health of Chinese medicine.

Dean Zhao Jun of the People's Hospital of Jiangsu Province delivered an online keynote speech. During the speech, Dean Zhao Jun shared relevant experience to the participating parties.

During the subsequent round table dialogue, the Consultation Expert Committee of the State Council Medical Reform Leading Group, the head of the Department of Leadership and Management of the Hospital of the School of Health and Health Management Policy of the Beijing Union Medical College, Liu Tingfang, and Liu Zhongxun, the secretary of the Party Committee of the Capital Pediatric Research Institute, Qin Yanguo, Dean of the Second Hospital of Jilin University, Zhao Weihua, Secretary of the Party Committee of Hunan Provincial Children's Hospital, Zhou Aifen, Dean of Wuhan Children's Hospital, Huang Zhe, the person in charge of the value and admission of Bojian China, "with patient -centered performance assessment to promote health The meaning in Chinese operations "dialogue, and guests made wonderful sharing on this topic combined with the actual situation of each unit and their respective insights.

After that, Mao Zhai, Vice President of Changjiang University, Dean of Jingzhou Central Hospital, and Liu Hua, deputy head of the Tangxian People's Government, Dai Jie, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Binzhou Central Hospital, He Mei, Deputy Secretary and Deputy Dean of Mianyang Central Hospital, and Panzhihua Guests such as Qing Lihua, deputy dean of the Municipal Chinese and Western Medicine Integrated Hospital, exchanged and shared the "New Power and New Power Promoting Action of Healthy China". The guests said that they would combine the actual situation of each unit to actively actively promote the health of health.

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