In the hot summer, is it harmful to the kidneys to drink functional drinks as water?

Author:China Food Industry Magazine Time:2022.07.20

High temperature and hot summer, thirsty. Compared with pure water, many people prefer to use "happy water ton ton" to get happiness. However, recently, the#14 -year -old boy drink caused the gout and cried when the water was drinking. In drinks, long -term drinking will increase the burden on the kidneys and cause adverse effects.

Is it harmful to the kidneys? Jiefang Daily · Shangguan News reporter interviewed Wang Qin, chief physician of the Department of Nephrology at Renji Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College.

"Water is the source of life, and the importance of life is self -evident." Wang Qin said that the kidneys are one of the most "sensitive" organs in the human body. "On the one hand, the kidneys can regulate the water in the body and maintain the balance of body fluid; on the other hand, too much or too little moisture, or some special components increase, will increase the burden on the kidneys."

In the hot summer season, it is often thirsty. In fact, the brain center reminds to replenish water. At this time, if you come to a drink, you may suddenly be cool and comfortable. "But before comfortable, please choose the right drink. Some drinks should not drink more and may increase the burden on the kidneys."

【Carbonate drink】

Common "happy water" such as Cola and Sprite are carbonated drinks. Except for the added sugar that can supplement the human body, it does not contain other nutrients. Studies have proved that they often drink sugar -containing carbonated beverages. It will significantly increase the risk of chronic kidney disease.

Wang Qin said that the good taste of carbonated beverages comes from a large amount of sugar added. Frequent drinking can cause excessive sugar intake, increase the probability of diabetes, and the follow -up complications -diabetic nephropathy. In addition, carbonated beverages contain an ultra -"phosphorus". After too much intake, it will exceed the kidney excretion ability, which will cause calcium and phosphorus metabolism disorders and abnormal metabolism of osteopamental material. Especially for patients with chronic kidney disease, carbonated drinks may even accelerate the progress of kidney disease.

However, carbonated drinks are not "poison", but patients with kidney disease, diabetes, and urinary system stones should still try to avoid it. "In summer, we should avoid long -term and large amounts of carbonated drinks when replenishing water."

【Lactic acid bacteria dairy products】

Many people believe that the nutritional value of lactic acid bacteria dairy products is very high and the taste is good. It can be used as a "high -quality" drink in summer. But Wang Qin pointed out that this is actually a misunderstanding.

"Lactic acid bacteria -like dairy products are not dairy products, and their nutritional value is far from being comparable to milk and yogurt. Its sugar content is often very high, which can cause problems such as obesity and abnormal sugar metabolism and increase kidney burden."

【Products of Products】

So, is it a healthy choice for drinking juice in summer? Wang Qin said that you should drink as little product juice beverages as much as possible. Its fruity taste mainly comes from additives, and the content of raw juice is often only 10%or even lower. The remaining ingredients include sugar, flavors, phosphate and other additives. Not only do you not have nutrients such as trace elements such as dietary fiber and vitamins with freshly squeezed fruit juice, but also increase the burden on the kidneys.

【Functional Drinks】

For functional drinks, many fitness experts call "sports drinks". Although they can quickly replenish energy, they will also add many ingredients, including more electrolytes such as calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. "These substances need to be excreted through the kidney metabolism, so too much intake of functional drinks will also increase the burden on the kidneys and even bring serious consequences." Wang Qin said that the sodium content in sports drinks is generally 50 to 1200mg/L. The potassium content is generally 50 to 250mg/L. It may not only affect the kidneys. Potassium is excessively accumulated in the body, but also causes serious consequences such as arrhythmia and cardiac arrest.

"Actually, a cup of light tea and a bottle of pure water in the hot summer is the best choice for summer drinks. I hope everyone can choose more healthy drinks, protect the kidneys, and drink healthy." Wang Qin said. (Edit Li Chuang)

Source: Shangguan News

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