Why does the ninth version of the prevention and control plan increase the antigen detection?Experts of infection department answered questions

Author:Southern Magazine Time:2022.07.23

On July 21, a spokesperson for the National Health Commission, Mi Feng, introduced at a press conference on the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council. Recently, many local gathered epidemics have been reported in many places across the country. Essence

Earlier, the "New Coronatte Virus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (Ninth Edition)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Ninth Edition Prevention and Control Plan") has been officially released. Recently Essence The new scheme increases the antigen detection as a supplementary method for the monitoring of the epidemic, and encrypts the frequency of nucleic acid testing of risk -up professional population. What functions will these changes bring? How to do personal protection for summer vacation? Li Wenli, deputy chief physician of the infection department of the Second People's Hospital of Guangdong Province, answered.

The new plan proposes that grass -roots medical institutions can increase antigen detection to suspicious patients. Does this help to find the infected person as soon as possible?

Li Wenli: The antigen detection operation is convenient, the detector can be tested at home, and the results of the results can be used as a supplement to screen. For residents who are inconvenient, or self -doubtful residents, they can complete the test as soon as possible and find potential cases as soon as possible.

Is antigen detection negative, does it mean to exclude risk?

Li Wenli: The antigen detection can only be used as a reference and cannot replace nucleic acid detection. If the antigen detection is positive, the nucleic acid detection needs to be further completed, and the nucleic acid detection results are subject to; if the antigen detection is negative, but the detector has new coronary pneumonia related symptoms, or the history of epidemiology, the nucleic acid detection must be performed to eliminate risks to eliminate risks to eliminate risk Essence

The ninth edition of the prevention and control plan, encrypted the frequency of nucleic acid detection in risks. What is the role of adjustment like this?

Li Wenli: The new plan has been adjusted according to the characteristics of Omikhon, and the prevention and control policy has also been adjusted. It also gives specific guidelines for prevention and control of different scenarios and different people. Good epidemic prevention and control work. Increase the frequency of nucleic acid detection in risks, can find infection as soon as possible, prevent the spread of the epidemic, and do a good job of precision prevention and control.

During the summer vacation, many students and parents plan to travel. What should I pay attention to in terms of epidemic prevention?

Li Wenli: At present, there are still epidemics in some areas of my country, and other areas are in the normal stage of prevention and control of new crown pneumonia. Therefore, before traveling, check the destination and the epidemic prevention and control policies. Risk -regional. During the journey, wear masks, wash your hands frequently, and keep social distance. In tourist destinations, we must also do a good job of personal protection and minimize the time for staying in the closed space. If you have symptoms such as fever during the journey, you should seek medical treatment in time. Back to the place of residence, it is necessary to cooperate with local policies to test nucleic acid tests in a timely manner.

Source: Southern+Client (Reporter Zhu Xiaofeng)

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