Food safety cannot be talked about

Author:China Food Industry Magazine Time:2022.07.26

Recently, market supervision departments in Shaanxi, Guangdong, Hebei and other provinces have successively notified a number of unqualified lists of food sampling inspections, including some well -known merchants. The word "food" is a "person", and the following is "good". Food safety tests people's conscience, and every link of food production cannot be sloppy. If the company only takes care of profits and ignores food safety, when the problem occurs, it will not only be consumers and the market, but also a negative impact on the entire industry.

Food safety must not be just talking, it must be truly implemented in action.

Enterprise operators should always tighten the string of food safety and strengthen the construction of corporate integrity without saving any fluke. Safe foods are produced, and production and operators are the first responsible person to ensure food safety. Under the current strict supervision, there are still a few enterprises who have ignored and risky. The main is the insufficient awareness of food safety, the responsibility is not implemented, the management is not standardized, and the interests of the interests are. From the source control and prevention of food safety risks, it is necessary to guide the production and operators to consolidate the main responsibilities and increase the awareness of food safety. Relevant practitioners should learn the laws and regulations and knowledge of food safety, enhance the awareness of integrity, and consciously abide by the law.

At the same time, the construction of mechanism construction provides guarantee for food safety and promotes the improvement of food safety management. Enterprises need to take the responsibility that they should have, attach importance to the construction of the food safety system and mechanism, and establish an effective quality monitoring system. For example, from the procurement of raw materials to the production process, storage packaging, and the inspection of factory inspection, monitoring each link is strengthened, and the mutual supervision and inspection between the supply chain upstream and downstream enterprises is strengthened on this basis to prevent hidden dangers of food safety. Consumers buy food with confidence and eat safely, and protect consumers "the safety of the tongue."

Food safety is related to the daily life of millions of households. To keep the product quality bottom line and provide consumers with high -quality products, it is the only law of enterprise development. To keep the safety bottom line, you can win respect. Any enterprise must earnestly take responsibility for the responsibility, make all aspects of good food safety, do the products well, make good quality, effectively adhere to the bottom line, and win the market and customers with credibility. Only then can we harvest consumers' trust and be continued to be loved by consumers. (Edit Li Chuang)

Source: Economic Daily

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