At 00-24 on July 29, 10 new local diagnosis cases in Sichuan, 12 cases of new native non-symptoms infected

Author:Chengdu Daily Jinguan Time:2022.07.30

At 00-24 on July 29, 10 new local diagnosis cases in Sichuan (in Chengdu, 3 of them were diagnosis of non -symptoms notified from previously notified), 12 cases of native non -symptoms (in Chengdu),, in Chengdu), in Chengdu, and in Chengdu,, in Chengdu),, in Chengdu). 4 new overseas input confirmed cases (in Chengdu), 7 cases of asymptomatic infection (in Chengdu) were added overseas, and 3 cases were newly cured. There were no new suspected cases and no new death cases.

► The specific situation is as follows:

10 cases of new local diagnosis (in Chengdu):

Three cases are the asymptomatic infection who notified the past;

Five cases were discovered among the province's "July 20" related outbreaks into the urban isolation control personnel;

Two cases were found in the screening of the "July 20" related epidemic in our province into the screening of urban risk areas;

They were diagnosed on July 29.

Twelve new natives of infection (in Chengdu): in Chengdu:

All found in the "July 20" related epidemic in our province's "July 20" related epidemics, and found that it was diagnosed as asymptomatic infected on July 29.

4 cases of new overseas input diagnosis (in Chengdu): in Chengdu: in Chengdu):

One case is to isolate from the UAE on July 26 from the UAE;

One case is to isolate Rong from Germany on July 27;

One case is an isolation of Rong from Canada on July 28;

One case is an isolation from Russia on July 28 from Russia;

They were diagnosed on July 29.

7 cases of new overseas input non -symptoms (in Chengdu): in Chengdu):

One case is to isolate Rong from Hong Kong, China on July 22;

One case is to isolate Rong from Germany on July 27;

Two cases were isolated from Greece on July 28 from Greece;

Two cases were isolated from the opportunity to ride from Canada on July 28;

One case is an isolation from Russia on July 28 from Russia;

All were diagnosed as asymptomatic infections on July 29.

(Specific cases of confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections shall be notified by the relevant cities (states) Health and Health Commission)

Chengdu Daily Jinguan News Source Health Sichuan official micro -responsible editor He Qifei Intern editor Lu Yarui

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