Multi -place swimming pools have gonad virus infections. Pay attention to fever after swimming!

Author:Yangzi Evening News Time:2022.08.03

Since the summer of 2022, there have been news about the swimming pool caused by the swimming pool caused by the infection of collective adenovirus, which has made many parents who usually take their children to swimming. On the hot summer, I originally wanted the child to play water and cool and cool. I did not expect that going to the pool would make the child infected with "adenovirus", and what was the gonadic virus that concentrated on a large scale? How to treat after infection and how to prevent it? Come and listen to Jiangsu Disease Control reminder.

Source: Visual China

Is adenovirus a new virus?

The full name of the "adenovirus" is "Human Adenovirus (HADV). It was originally separated from the healthy people's shrinking tonsil tissue, so it was called adenovirus. Agenal virus is not a new virus, and it has already existed in nature. It is one of the common pathogens of acute respiratory infectious diseases, which can cause various tissue infections such as respiratory systems, gastrointestinal tract, and eye conjunctiva. It can be popular all year round, and most of them occur in school -intensive places such as schools, childcare institutions, military camps and other people.

The adenovirus people are generally susceptible, often from 6 months to 5 years, especially children under 2 years old. Common clinical symptoms include fever, cough, nasal congestion, sore throat, conjunctivitis, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms. Those with infection of urinary system may experience symptoms such as hematuria, frequent urination, and difficulty in urination. A few can develop into severe pneumonia and even cause death. In particular, the immune system is weak, chronic respiratory diseases, heart disease and other people, and the risk of severe illness is high.

Agenal virus infection is a self -limited disease. At present, there is no special medicine. Most of them are symptomatic treatment. The above symptoms should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Patients with mild symptoms can heal themselves in about a week, do not abuse drugs.

Why does the adenovirus outbreak in the swimming pool?

The outbreak of adenovirus in the pool is directly related to its strong infectivity. The transmission pathway of gonadovirus is mainly droplets. The respiratory tract secretions of infected people can be maintained in the air for half an hour. If there is no protection, it is very easy to be infected if there is no protection. In addition, adenovirus can also be transmitted through the digestive tract, that is, transmission through feces, water, food, clothing, etc. polluting water, etc.

Children's swimming pools are humid and crowded, and they can directly or indirectly contact contaminated water and items that can cause adenovirus infection and dissemination again.

Babies under the age of 2, try not to take the public swimming pool as much as possible

There is no adenovirus -related vaccine, nor does it have special effects of its special effects. Therefore, pay more attention to babies under the age of 2 and try to avoid "providing provoke" it:

1. Pay attention to personal hygiene: often wash your hands with soap; you need to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing; avoid sharing cups and tableware with others;

2. Do not take children under 2 years of age to go to public swimming pools; if there are large babies in the family who need to swim in the public swimming pool, you must also choose a "hygiene permit";

3. If someone is diagnosed with "adenovirus", you must do a good job of isolation.

Positioning: Pay attention to personal hygiene, avoid swimming pools with poor sanitary conditions in summer; if you have cold symptoms or other uncomfortable adaptation, avoid swimming in public swimming pools.

(Yangzi Evening News reporter Yang Yan)

Edit: Qin Xiaoyi

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