1 new local diagnosis cases in Sichuan, 5 cases of new native symptoms without infection

Author:Global Times Time:2022.08.03

The latest situation of the new type of coronary virus pneumonia in Sichuan Province

(Published on August 3)

At 0-24 o'clock on August 2, 1 new local diagnosis case (in Chengdu), 5 cases of new native symptoms (in Chengdu) were added, and 4 cases were added overseas (in Chengdu, 1 of which 1, 1 of which 1, 1 of which 1, 1 of which 1, 1 of which 1, 1 of which 1, 1 of which 1 Example is to be diagnosed with asymptomatic infected people who previously notified), 9 cases of new overseas input non -symptoms (1 case in Pakistan, 8 cases in Chengdu), 5 cases of new cure for hospitalization, no suspected cases, no new cases, no new cases, no new case Increase death.


Details are as follows:

1 new local diagnosis case (in Chengdu):

In the screening of the "July 20" affected epidemic in our province, the key personnel of the metropolitan city seal control zone found that it was confirmed on August 2.

Five cases of new native infections (in Chengdu): in Chengdu:

All were found in the "July 20" affected epidemic in our province's "July 20" related epidemic.

4 cases of new overseas input diagnosis (in Chengdu): in Chengdu: in Chengdu):

1 case is a non -symptom infected person who has been reported in the past;

One case is an isolation from Russia on July 30 from Russia;

One case is to isolate Rong from Nepal on July 31;

One case is an isolation of Rong from Taiwan on August 1st;

All diagnosed on August 2.

Nine cases of new overseas input non -symptoms (1 case in Pakistan, 8 cases in Chengdu):

One case was from the opportunity of Hong Kong, China on July 25, and then transferred to Pakistan to isolate closed loop;

One case is to isolate from the UAE on July 26 from the UAE;

One case is to isolate Rong from Hong Kong, China on July 26;

One case is an isolation from Greece on July 28 from Greece;

One case is an isolation of Rong from Hong Kong, China on July 30;

Four cases were to isolated from Nepal from Nepal on July 31;

They were diagnosed as asymptomatic infected on August 2.

(Specific cases of confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections shall be notified by the relevant cities (states) Health and Health Commission)

Source: Health Sichuan Guanwei

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