Lin Lin Clinic | How to eat bronchial expansion patients?Please pay attention to these diets

Author:Guangdong Provincial Hospital Time:2022.08.04

Medical Guidance: Professor Lin Lin, Director of the Department of Division of Breathe and Critical Medicine, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

[Open column] This column is a special issue column of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Medicine of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and Disciplinary leader, and Professor Lin Lin led by the team. Treatment and conditioning will introduce the knowledge of healthy life, daily health skills, common sense of lungs and lungs, and introduce lung nodules, lung cancer, interstitial lung disease, slow obstructive pulmonary, asthma, expansion of bronchies, various viruses and bacteria Sexual pneumonia, acute, chronic cough, allergic rhinitis and other types of respiratory disease prevention, treatment, daily conditioning and lung recovery.

The 56th Diagnostic Story

Aunt Chen was diagnosed with bronchial expansion because of coughing and pus in pus. food. Colds often happen, so Grandma's daily life is careful. A few days ago, I ate a few litchi in the season. As a result, the next day, Grandma Chen kept cough and yellow sputum, which was very uncomfortable.

So the family took Grandma Chen to the outpatient clinic of Professor Lin Lin, a Chinese Medicine Hospital of Guangdong Province. Professor Lin told Grandma Chen to get angry again. Professor Lin prescribed Chinese medicine for conditioning to the grandmother, and also told the summer to pay attention to rest. In terms of diet, he needs to increase nutrition and improve physical resistance. At the same time, foods that cannot be eaten should be avoided.

How to eat bronchial expansion?

Patients with bronchial expansion must pay attention to the treatment of daily diet, which is very important to control the condition. Pay attention to developing good eating habits and living habits in life. Eating more foods to clear lungs is good for health.

(1) Usually eat more foods and fruits that clear the lungs and reduce phlegm, nourish yin and reduce fire, such as white radish, winter melon, loofah, lily, celery, lotus root, yam, white fungus, duck meat, tomato, bamboo shoots, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, seaweed, laver, seaweed, seaweed, laver, seaweed, seaweed, laver, seaweed, seaweed, laver, seaweed, seaweed, laver, laver Kelp, Sydney, persimmon, apricot, loquat, etc.

(2) Due to the extension of bronchial expansion, a large amount of sputum is excreted every day, causing a large amount of consumption of the body. Therefore, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as high -protein foods, such as fish, shrimp, meat, eggs, eggs, soybeans and soy products to supplement nutrition and improve body immunity. At the same time, pay attention to drink plenty of water to replenish water.

(3) Many patients with trivial expansion may have no appetite due to the continuous cough, and it is difficult to eat more nutrition. In this case, you can eat less meals, and eat some soft and digestible nutritious foods between the two meals, and add it.

Which foods can't be eaten?

1. Do not eat hot foods such as warm and spicy. Such as lamb, beef, roast goose, leek, litchi, longan, durian, mango and other warm foods, or stimulating foods such as pepper, pepper, ginger, green onion, garlic, barbecue and other irritating foods. The expanded bronchies are more delicate, which can easily cause recurrence of infection.

2. Don't eat fishy and greasy food. Eat the greasy or fried food for a long time, which can easily lead to the endogenous sputum, blocking the airway, and aggravating cough and sputum.

3. Don't eat cold food. Seafood such as ice cream, cold drinks, crabs, oysters, and oysters are cold and cold. Eating cold food not only stimulates the trachea, but also prone to cold colds, but also causes recurrent expansion.

4. Resolutely quit drinking and smoking. Drinking will increase the burden on the patient's cardiopulmonary, cigarettes can stimulate the airway, aggravate the respiratory tract and lung inflammation.

Recommended food therapy everyday

1. Lily soup

Materials: Fresh lilies 50g, 150g of loquat (peeling, nuclear), an appropriate amount of honey.

Method: Wash the lily and put it in the pot with the coriander. After boiling, simmer for 5 minutes, and season with honey.

Suitable for patients with bronchial dilatation cough and dry mouth, diabetic patients should not be consumed.

2. Winter melon almond ribs soup

Materials: 300g of winter melon, 250 grams of ribs, 20 grams of north and south apricots.

Method: Put these materials into the pot and add 2000 ml of water. After boiling on high heat, change the fire for 2 hours, and season with salt.

It has the effect of clearing heat and expectorant, and is suitable for bronchial expansion patients with symptoms such as coughing yellow sputum, dry mouth, dry throat, and red tongue.

3. Tremella mung beanose water

Materials: 20 grams of Tremella, 100 grams of mung beans, 10 grams of rock sugar.

Method: Add the right amount of blisters in the white fungus, put the mung beans in the pot, cook over medium heat for about 40 minutes, and then unveil the lid and put it in the white fungus for 10 minutes. Add an appropriate amount of rock sugar and season.

Suitable for patients with less cough or even hemoptysis.

4. Water duck winter melon soup

Materials: 300g of winter melon, half water duck, 20g of barley.

Method: Water duck flying water (remove the duck skin and reduce greasy), put the melon and barley in the casserole in a casserole for ten minutes, add the water duck to the fire to simmer for two hours, and season with a little salt.

It has the effect of clearing heat and phlegm.

5. Houttuynia Cat Claw Clawed Lean Soup ‍

Materials: 30 grams of Houttuynia cordata, 30 grams of cat claws, 500 grams of lean meat.

Method: Wash the Houttuynia cordata and cat's claws and soak them slightly. Wash the pork lean meat and slice it. Put it in the pot and boil it on high heat.

Suitable for patients with bronchial dilation of yellow pus.

Medical guidance: Lin Lin, chief physician, professor, doctoral supervisor of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, director of the Department of Division of Breathe and Cympapture of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, academic leaders, master of Chinese medicine, and Professor of Sinic Medical Masters, Professor Hong Guangxiang, and Professor Xun Enxiang. Professor Liu Weisheng, a famous Chinese medicine medicine in Guangdong Province. He is currently the chairman of the Fever Branch of the Chinese National Medicine Society, deputy chairman of the Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Society, vice chairman of the High School Respiratory Professional Committee, and chairman of the Director of Respiratory Diseases on Respiratory Diseases. Good at: Clinical and basic scientific research on the treatment of respiratory diseases in combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine. It is good at the treatment of asthma, pulmonary inflammation, bronchial dilation, chronic blockers, lung cancer, lung nodules, various causes of acute and chronic coughs in the treatment of Chinese and Western combination Diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases such as interstitial pneumonia and respiratory failure. ️ Self -management and lung rehabilitation treatment technology of respiratory diseases, as well as ️ ️ ️ Good at using traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation to treat various difficulty diseases. ️ Good at physical balance and health conditioning.

Lead the formulation of "Guidelines for Slow Pulmonary Traditional Chinese Medicine Pulmonary Rehabilitation" and "Chinese Pharmaceutical Treatment of Adult Aposterity Clinical Application Guidelines". Participate in the formulation of many industry guidelines such as "Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (2011 version)" and "Cough Diagnosis and Treatment Guide (2015)". Won the first Chinese young female scientist, the National and Guangdong May 1st Labor Awards, the National and Guangdong March 8 Red Banners, the first outstanding female Chinese medicine practitioners in the country, the first national traditional Chinese medicine inheritance, the Ten Jie of Nanyue, and the excellent Chinese medicine clinical clinical of Guangdong Province Honorary titles such as talents and outstanding female science and technology workers in Guangdong Province. The editor -in -chief published 6 monographs and 4 invention patents. The scientific research results have successively won 9 National Science and Technology Progress Award, the Science and Technology Award of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medicine, the Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Award, and the Guangzhou Science and Technology Progress Award, and 3 invention patents.

Disposal time:

On Tuesday afternoon, the seventh floor of Da De Road General Hospital of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital

On Thursday morning, the third floor of the Ersha Island Hospital of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital needs outpatient clinics

Introduction to the Team of the University of Science and Technology of Disposal and Critical Critical Medicine

The Department of Respiratory and Critical Critical Medicine of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine was established in 1986. It has been built into a discipline with strong levels of Chinese and Western medicine for more than 30 years, strong comprehensive service capabilities, and high academic status in the industry. The key specialist of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine enjoys a high popularity in South China and even nationwide.

The specialty focuses on deepening clinical and theoretical mechanisms such as chronic lung diseases such as chronic lung block, bronchial asthma, bronchial asthma, bronchial expansion, lung cancer, lung nodule, interstitial pulmonary disease, pulmonary hypertension, chronic respiratory failure, sleep respiratory disorders and other chronic diseases. Through excavation and inheritance of ancient and modern experience, developing series of specialties and intrapetic medicines, the academic level is ahead of the National Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

The specialty team is good at the prevention and treatment of chronic respiratory diseases, covering core content such as early prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and chronic disease management of the disease. Specialty Chinese medicine has distinctive characteristics. It carried out the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine such as self -blood therapy, acupuncture acupoints, acupoint injection, and traditional Chinese medicine lung rehabilitation. It has a curative effect on chronic cough, chronic obstructive pulmonary, bronchial asthma, bronchial expansion and other diseases. At the same time, modern diagnosis and treatment technologies such as lung function testing, multi -guided sleep monitoring, bronchial mirror examination, FENO, and induction of sputum cytological examination are carried out to provide patients with a diversified and personalized Chinese and Western medicine combined diagnosis and treatment services.

Team members' diagnosis time:

Discipline leader: Lin Lin

Professor, doctoral supervisor

Director of the Department of Respiratory Hospital of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, academic leader

Deputy Chairman of the Chinese Medicine Society of Chinese Medicine Society

President of the Fever Branch of the Chinese National Medicine Society

Chairman of Lingnan Traditional Chinese Medicine Respiratory Medical Alliance

Disposal time:

Every Thursday morning, the outpatient clinic of Ersha Island Hospital, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chen Yuanbin, the head of interstitial pulmonary disease sub -specialty

Deputy Chief Physician, Ph.D. in Medicine, Visiting Scholar of Royal Melbourne University of Science and Technology in Australia

Member of the Breakthrobiology Group of the Guangdong Medical Association Highness Diseases Branch, executive member

Good at: interstitial lung disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial dilatation, bronchial asthma and other respiratory diseases such as interstitial lung disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial dilatation disease.

Disposal time:

Every Friday morning, the 8th Floor of Slower Clinic, Da De Road, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Every Thursday afternoon, the Department of Internal Medicine of the University of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital

Tong Xiaoping

Deputy Director Chinese Medicine, Master of Medicine

Director of the Fever Branch of the Chinese National Medicine Society, a member of the Rare Disease Respiratory Group of the Guangdong Pharmaceutical Society, a member of the Guangdong Female Physician Association of Breathing and Critical Critical Causes

Good at: respiratory diseases (such as lung fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma, chronic pulmonary heart disease, pulmonary infectious diseases, respiratory failure, etc.) and traditional Chinese and western medicine. Essence

Disposal time:

Every Tuesday afternoon, the Department of Internal Medicine of the University of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Lin Xinghua

Resident, a master's degree in medicine

Director of thermal Disease Branch of the Chinese National Medicine Society, member of the Respiratory Diseases Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Good at: combined Chinese and Western medicine to treat respiratory diseases, such as interstitial lung disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary, asthma, pneumonia, etc.

Supply: Division of Respiratory and Critical Medicine of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Executive editor: Wu Yuan Tuan

Audit school pair: Zhuang Yingge

Editor in charge: Song Liping

- END -

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