Walking for 2 minutes and 2 hours, such patients in summer are "tie" for consultation. I am afraid that hot sweat is the main symptom

Author:Healthy Lu Time:2022.08.04

"It's hot, why is it so hot this year?"

"My sweat can't fall!"

I often hear it in the summer

Such a conversation in the office.

However, the air conditioner temperature has been adjusted to 16 degrees at this time,

The colleagues around me tightened their small blankets ...

If it was suddenly found that I have a recent foundation

The phenomenon of "extreme fear of heat, love sweating, and tachycardia"

Then you may be careful

Is there a problem with the "organ" of the body?


Who are "afraid of heat"

Why is there a situation that is more hot or cold than people around you? Experts say that it may be a personal constitutional factors, or it may be a problem with the body. First of all, let's "eliminate" the following "fear of heat".


Obesity has thick subcutaneous fat and difficult to heat dissipation, so he is particularly afraid of heat.

Perspiration dysfunction

The incomplete development of congenital sweat glands leads to a low perspiration function, or there is a drug that suppresss sweating, which can affect the body heat dissipation and prone to summer heat. In particular, taking antibody amine components can hinder the sub -sympathetic nervous system, which affects sweat function.

Drink too little water

No time to replenish water in time can affect the body's sweat and heat dissipation.

lack of sleep

Extracting sweat requires sufficient cardiopulmonary function to ensure that the heart outputs the heart is sufficient, so as to discharge sweat. Lack of sleep or staying up late will reduce the cardiopulmonary function, which affects sweating. At the same time, lack of sleep may cause poor mood and feel more hot.

Middle -aged and elderly

As the age increases, the circulation function is slowly diminished, and the skin sweat glands have gradually shrinking, making it difficult for the heat to emit heat in the body, which makes the heat heat. In addition, due to changes in hormones in the body, such as menopausal symptoms, it can also cause the human body to feel hot and sweaty.

If you suddenly find that you are more afraid of heat than ever, love sweating, irritability, and even symptoms of insomnia and panic, then consider whether there is a problem with the thyroid gland.


The thyroid and "fear of heat"

what is the relationship

The thyroid gland is the largest endocrine glands in the human body. It is located below the thyroid of the neck and is distributed on both sides of the trachea. The shape is similar to a butterfly. It is also called "human life gland", which not only is responsible for human growth and development, maintains metabolism, but also regulates human body temperature by secreting hormones.

Once there is a problem with thyroid dysfunction and excessive or too little secretion of thyroid hormones, it will affect the human body's perception of the surrounding temperature, and there will be excessive fear of cold or heat.


Why do patients with hyperthyroidism "tie" in the summer

Zhang Xiuying, deputy chief physician of the Department of Endocrinology at Peking University People's Hospital, said that the immune system disorders are one of the main reasons for hyperthyroidism. When the season alternates, antibodies related to hyperthyroidism are easily fluctuated, so the possibility of diseases or recurrence increases.

Although the number of patients with hyperthyroidism in summer, many of them have developed onset as early as the intersection of winter and spring. After entering the summer, because of the hot weather, the human body itself is prone to sweating, and the thyroid hormone levels in patients with hyperthyroidism have high levels of thyroid hormones, the sympathetic nerves are more excited, and the metabolism of each organ is significantly accelerated, so the symptoms of hyperthyroidism will be more obvious.

It is worth noting that because the occurrence of hyperthyroidism is relatively concealed, many patients are difficult to detect in the early stages of the onset of onset. When the summer temperature rises and the symptoms become obvious, they will come to the consultation, often missing the timing of early diagnosis and treatment.


How to identify "hyperthyroidism" early

How to identify such "cunning" such "cunning"?

If you have a lot of work and living pressure in recent times, stay up late to stay up late, or encounter stress events such as mental trauma, family changes, etc., the spirit has been in a state of excitement, anxiety or nervousness, and some abnormal performances have appeared. For example, sweat like rain, easy to be angry with others, inattention, insomnia and dreams, etc., may be caused by hyperthyroidism. In such a situation, you must check the consultation in time.

In addition, when writing and using mouse, keyboards, or chopsticks, if the hands are shaking and unstable, you should also be vigilant, which is also an important signs of hyperthyroidism.

If you have a typical manifestation of panic and palpitations, hands trembling, easy to sweat, easy to eat and eat, fatigue and fatigue, irritability, neck thick eye, visual decreased, muscle tremor, menstrual disorders, etc., it is recommended to go to the hospital to improve the thyroid -related laboratory and examination Essence

Because the symptoms of hyperthyroidism are similar to menopausal syndrome, some female patients are easily considering that they are menopause, and they delay the early detection and treatment of hyperthyroidism.

There are also some people who are "dry and not fat". Although they are very enviable, if there are performances such as weight loss, diarrhea, and weakness at the same time, it is also recommended to test and check to eliminate the possibility of hyperthyroidism.


How to prevent hyperthyroidism

In addition to improving physical fitness, maintaining the body's immune balance, regular review of thyroid function and thyroid ultrasound examination, adjust the rhythm of life and work, regulate your own emotions, maintain good living habits, eat reasonably It is important.

Source: Chinese Family Newspaper Officer Wei

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