After the girl dialed 120, she hurriedly hung up, and the dispatcher dialed nearly 30 calls to find her

Author:Pole news Time:2022.06.16

Jimu Journalist Chen Yong

Correspondent Xu Yun

After taking a number of medicines, the girl dialed the 120 emergency call in the early morning, and hurriedly hung up after the words. In the early morning of June 13, the dispatcher of the Syiming Center of Xiaogan City, Hubei, dialed nearly 30 calls one after another, and finally found the girl who was already in a coma with a stunning state with the help of the police.

At 1 am on June 13th, the phone of Xiaogan City's emergency center rang.

"Hello, this is Xiaogan 120." Sheng Ling, a dispatcher on duty, answered the phone.

Surveyer Wang Li (right) and Sheng Ling (left)

"I took all the medicines and jumped from the second floor, what would happen?" A crying voice came from the side of the phone. Listening to the sound, the other party is a young girl.

Sheng Ling suddenly became alert and quickly asked the alarm address: "Hello, don't you cry, what did you take? Where are you now?"

Unexpectedly, after the other party said vaguely, after a few words, he suddenly hung up the phone.

"No! This person is dangerous!" Wang Li, who was on duty, made judgments with many years of scheduling experience.

The two quickly called the girl, but the other party had never answered and could not confirm the specific call address. "You must immediately find out the position of this girl and ask for help from 110!" Wang Li, an experienced, immediately made a reflection.

The two quickly dialed 110: "Hey, 110, we need your help ..."

After telling the situation clearly with the 110 -lord, wait for anxiety.

Surveyer Wang Li (right) and Sheng Ling (left)

During the waiting gap, Wang Li and Sheng Ling repeatedly listened to the call for help, hoping to get more information. According to the recording of the information online, the preliminary judgment of the call help person should take a stable drug.

They immediately reported to the relevant person in charge of the emergency center, and repeatedly called the alarm through the "120" platform, private phones and landlines. However, no one answered on the phone. The relevant information was still unable to find the relevant information according to the owner's phone call.

After waiting for a while, a policeman called and found that the information on the alarm phone ID card was in a village in Xiaonan District and was in contacting his family. Because the address was far from the city, Wang Li and Sheng Ling immediately sent an ambulance after learning about the general orientation.

In the end, with the help of 110, the medical staff successfully found the alarm person in less than an hour after receiving the call, a 18 -year -old girl, and found four empty medicine bottles in her house, including stable drugs, which The girl is in a state of lethargy.

The ambulance immediately sent the girl to the hospital for first aid. After timely treatment, the girl's life signs have returned to stability.

Wang Li and Sheng Ling, who were relieved, discovered that for this emergency rescue, they called nearly 30 consecutive calls.

(The picture is provided by the correspondent)

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