Patients suddenly suffocated in the process of gastroscopy without pain.

Author:Anesthesia Medical Group Time:2022.08.05

The 58 -year -old Pharaoh has always felt that he couldn't swallow things in recent months and cough from time to time. So he went to the hospital to find a doctor to see what was going on.

After listening to his description, the doctor analyzed that he might have esophageal problems. From a professional perspective, patients with early esophageal cancer can be mainly manifested as sternum discomfort, burning sensation, or pain. When the food passes, it can have a foreign body sensation or friction.

In order to reduce pain, he also accepted the doctor's suggestion to prepare for painless gastroscopy.

On the day of gastroscopy, I lay on the bed with a stingy mood.

Unexpectedly, he almost couldn't get up again.

After watching several inspections, the anesthesiologist slowly injected anesthesia.

Ten second later, he closed his eyes.

Trying his eyelashes response, gastroscopy inserted the gastroscopy.

Seeing the smooth insertion of the gastroscopy and the Pharaoh had no response, the heart of the anesthesiologist put down.

The most important thing for the gastroscopy process is this stage of entering the mirror: on the one hand required patients to not move; on the one hand, the patient has to keep the patient breathing smoothly.

Some people say, is there just a little anesthesia?

No way. The anesthesia is shallow, not only the patients are easy to move, but also a adverse reflection, such as arrhythmia or airway spasm.

Anesthesia may have breathing suppression. At this time, the gastroscopy occupies the respiratory tract, often making it difficult for anesthetic doctors to control the airway. Therefore, any anesthesiologist will be nervous at this stage.

Suddenly, the heart of the anesthesiologist just let go. The reason is that the patient's blood oxygen has dropped almost straight. In this case, the probability is suffocating.

In normal circumstances, doctors should check the cause step by step. But this situation appears, and almost no chance to think about doctors will think directly to the worst results.

But it is strange that the patient seems to be accompanied by coughing.

It was only a few minutes for the medicine, and it was impossible to be metabolized so quickly. Moreover, this is still a person old. The anesthesiologist wondered.

After confirming that the patient had no airflow import and exit nose, the anesthesiologist asked the gastroscopy to quickly pull out the gastroscopy. Subsequently, the breathing device quickly pressed the patient's breathing for patients.

With several strong pressure giving oxygen, the patient's lungs have gases in and out.

Look at the monitor, almost the blood oxygen starts to rise.

Seeing the patient from the danger, the anesthesiologist was thinking there: What causes it? After so many years, the first time I encountered such severe breathing.

In the analysis room, a large water was suddenly found out of the corner of the patient's mouth.

Suddenly, the anesthesiologist thought that it might be caused by the gastroscopy in the esophagus.

When he turned his head to look at the gastroscopy, he quickly explained: The water given to the water is sucked out. The water is in front of the camera, and the water absorption hole is at the beginning of the esophagus. It is impossible to stay at the esophagus.

The tone of speaking is obviously trying to clarify the relationship.

Looking back at the patient's life signs, there are no major problems, and the anesthesiologist will not be held accountable.

Although there is a situation, since the patient's anesthesia has passed, and the patient cannot be spent in vain, everyone agrees to continue to do this gastroscopy. If abnormalities appear, give up gastroscopy.

This time, the gastroscopy did not dare to use it at all.

Walking, a hole in the gastroscopy appeared, a hole that seemed to have gas in and out.

Throughout the day to contact various tumors, everyone thought of esophageal trachea fistula. That's right, this is the disease!

As soon as this result appears, it can be explained that the previous suffocation can be explained. It is because of the existence of this hole, the normal water given by the gastroscopy will accidentally enter the trachea and cause suffocation.

At the same time as the cause was found, I also gave everyone a lesson: When I learned that the patient may be esophageal cancer, think more about whether it is possible to affect the airway.

[Reminder] Pay attention, there are a large number of professional science sciences here to reveal those things about surgical anesthesia ~

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