Domestic detection for the first time!

Author:Hebei Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.08.06

On the evening of August 5th, the headquarters of the new coronary virus pneumonia epidemic prevention and control work headquarters of Sanya City, Hainan Province issued a notice that at 0-17 on August 5, 2022, 189 newly confirmed cases and 11 asymptomatic infections were added in Sanya. From 0:00 on August 1st to 17:00 on August 5th, a total of 335 confirmed cases were found and 45 were asymptomatic infected.

"Infectious and faster transmission", this round of epidemic is in the rapid rise stage

On the afternoon of August 5, Sanya City, Hainan Province held a press conference to introduce the latest situation of the epidemic prevention and control.

At the press conference, the virus that caused the Sanya epidemic through the virus gene sequencing was Omikon BA.5.1.3 mutant strains. Investigation, the analysis of the results of nucleic acid detection and virus gene detection. The epidemic situation is in a rapid rise in this round, and the prevention and control situation is extremely severe.

The mutant strain was detected for the first time in China

After an epidemiological survey and virus gene sequencing analysis, it was discovered that the "8 · 01" epidemic caused by the new crown virus Omikon mutant BA.5.1.3. According to reports, BA.5.1.3 is the first time in my country.

Experts comprehensive analysis believes that this round of epidemic is caused by overseas input. The fishing port of Yazhou Central Center is the place where the epidemic is departure and is more likely to enter the input through the fishermen's trading with overseas fishermen. Judging from the current cases, infected people are mostly related to fishing ports, fishing boats, fishermen, and fishing markets. The spread of the chain is radioactive in the fishing port of Yazhou Central. The epidemic is in the ups and downs.

Many scenic spots are suspended business

In order to cooperate with the prevention and control of the epidemic, Sanya Longwan International Rose Valley, Tianya Haijiao Tourist Area, Linchunling Forest Park, Sanya Rice National Park, Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest and other attractions and tourist areas will be scheduled to start from August 4, 2022 After the business is suspended, the specific recovery time will be notified separately.

Sanya Nanshan Cultural Tourism Area, large and small Dongtian Tourism Zone, Eternal Scenic Area, Haichang Fantasy Night City and other scenic spots have also issued a suspension of business notice a few days ago.

I would like to remind tourists to pay attention to the information release platform of the scenic spot in time. Visitors who have reserved and purchased online can apply for refund through the original ticket purchase channel.

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