"Chengdu" Qingbaijiang District: The "epidemic" line adheres to party members!The united front cadres rushed to the "epidemic" line of the war

Author:Tongxin Sichuan Time:2022.08.06

Facing the sudden epidemic, the Qing and Baijiang District Commission of the Communist Party of China actively responded to the call. On the front line of the epidemic prevention and control.

Council the difficulty of condensing the "epidemic" forces

After the epidemic, the Ministry of Communist Party of China quickly established a party member cadre assault team, sinking daily to Baima Village, Mimo Town to participate in the epidemic prevention and control volunteer service, actively asking, and devoting themselves to the front line prevention and control.

In the past few days, the war is high -temperature and the heat of the heat, and actively assisted Baima Village to do a good job in the prevention and control of the community courtyard, the prevention and control of the epidemic, the risk investigation of the key population, the material distribution, and the nucleic acid detection.

The party flag fluttering in front of the bright red party flag

"Hello! Please prepare a health code in advance."

"Please keep a safe distance in order."


At the nucleic acid detection site, the villagers of Baima Village were assisted in the entry of nucleic acid testing information. The elderly who did not use the "Tianfu Tong" patiently explained and guided the entry of identity information to ensure the smooth completion of nucleic acid samples.

Check out the business of the merchant's epidemic prevention account carefully

Learn about the login of the entry and exit


Assist Baima Village to carry out in accordance with the relevant regulations of the rural epidemic prevention and control. Each important position and every key link have the united front party members and cadres to charge in front, which vividly interpret the original intention and mission of the Communist Party, and build the epidemic prevention safety network with actual actions. Continuously contribute to the united front for winning the prevention and control of the epidemic.

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