Why is it easy to get fat in summer?Article 8 Suggestions for you to have a good figure

Author:Zhongguang Shi'an Time:2022.08.08

In summer, people's desire to lose weight is getting stronger. The summer diet is lighter, and the appetite of the three meals is not so good, but there are always people who will get fat as soon as they reach summer. Why is this?

"A lot of sweating in summer, everyone especially wants to drink water, and always wants to drink sweet water or eat fruits and cold drinks. This will make the human body consume too much sugar." The School of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering, China Agricultural University Associate Professor Fan Zhihong said in an interview with the People's Daily Online that water has a sweet taste and will drink a lot of sugar. Even the "sweet" mung bean soup contains at least 6%sugar. Eating fruits will also eat a lot of sugar. The small watermelon varieties sold on the market are between 8%and 13%. Eating ice cream and ice cream, it is both sugar and fat.

Fan Zhihong said that the protein content of these things is very low, and the B vitamins are very small, so it is particularly prone to increase the capacity ratio of carbohydrates in summer, and the protein supply ratio decreases. At the same time, the summer is hot, many people are afraid of the sun, they are unwilling to go out, the amount of exercise decreases, and the energy consumption is reduced.

"There are more sugar, less protein, and insufficient exercise. This can easily cause increased body fat rate and decrease in muscle weight. Although the weight increases is not much, the fat is less than the muscles. Zi was bloated a lot. "Fan Zhihong said.

Fan Zhihong reminded that there are some people who often eat fruits in summer to replace a meal. The beginning of weight may be slightly reduced, but in the long run, it will be more "fat" because of malnutious malnutrition of mild protein. At the same time, because of malnutrition, people will be particularly lazy, full of weakness, fatigue and drowsiness, and do not want to exercise. Even if you still exercise, your physical strength will decrease, and the effect is not as good as before.

"It is not difficult to maintain a tight and slim figure in summer." Fan Zhihong gave the following 8 suggestions.

1. Don't be too greedy for fruits, eat up to 1 catty per day. Do not use fruits such as watermelon to replace meals, especially people with less fish and eggs in daily life. People with poor digestion and absorption ability. People with soft abdomen and low physical strength are not suitable for eating too much fruit.

2. Sweat more in the sky, eat some salty dishes properly. Some of the weight loss methods that only eat fruits can lose weight within a few days. They can excrete the body through high potassium and low sodium foods. It does not really reduce the body fat rate. However, sweating to lose sodium salt. It always does not eat salty food and only eats fruits. It will make people muscles fatigue and weakness. The calorie consumption of physical activity will be reduced, which is more likely to gain weight.

3. Eat the staple food normally, eat egg milk daily, fish and meat eat one daily, or use soy products to replace. Successive protein and B vitamins are necessary conditions for weight loss. If they use fruits to replace staple foods, although there are enough carbohydrates, there are too few protein, which reduces protein disguised disguise. This will lose muscles and cause malnutrition.

4. Appropriate cooking. Stir -fry the fried fried to cooking cold mixing. It can save more than ten grams or twenty grams of oil a day, and consumes less than one or two hundred kcal calories.

5. Drink less sweet drinks and less cold drinks. If you ca n’t drink white water, you can drink sugar -free grain porridge, drink soy soup, rice soup without sugar, drink barley tea, light oolong tea, light lemonade, etc. In short, try to use the way without sugar and scent to supplement water.

6. Use milk, soy milk, yogurt and other protein -containing drinks instead of cold drinks. Milk, yogurt, soy milk, etc. can supplement both protein and a variety of vitamins and water. If you want to drink cold, you can drink it after ice.

7. Persist in exercise and maintain muscle. Under the premise of avoiding heat stroke, there are 20 minutes of sunlight every day, and vitamin D can be supplemented. There are research tips that too little vitamin D is also related to the risk of obesity. With sufficient exercise, three meals are not fat.

8. Go to bed on time, eat less supper and high calories.

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