"Silent killer" slowly block the lungs, and there is a trick to prevent and control Chinese medicine, so that the lungs can breathe freely

Author:Hunan Medical Chat Time:2022.08.08

"Dr. Chen, my wife's" slow lung "is strict?" Uncle Zhou asked with a report list panting.

"Slow -blocked lung" is not serious, let's take a look today!

Cardioprocardioplasty is called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The English abbreviation is COPD. It is a disease characterized by incomplete reversible air flow.

Slow: chronic.

Block: airway blocking.

Lung: Cycles of emphysema and decreased lung function.

What are the symptoms of COPD?

① Chronic cough, sputum;

② chest tightness, shortness of breath or breathing difficulty;

③ breathing;

④ Others: such as decreased weight, loss of appetite, etc.

What are the characteristics of COPD?

COPD has a long period of illness, repeated acute aggravation, and multiple complications, which seriously affects the patient's prognosis and quality of life.

The latest epidemiological survey found that one person over eight people over 40 years of age suffer from slow lung blockage. It is expected that the patients with slow pulmonary blockers are close to 100 million, and they are observed with high blood pressure and diabetes.

Cardinal lung is the third largest cause of death after cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and cancer. It has become the "third cause of death" in my country and the world, and is called "silent killer".

It has the characteristics of high prevalence, high residual rate, high illness, high economic burden, and low -knowledge rate "five highs and one low". It is really "lung" than usual!

What are the causes of COPD?

① Smoking: It is the main reason. Studies have shown that 75%of smoking people have chronic bronchitis, and slow lung blocking smoking is 10 times that of non -smoking.

② Infection: Studies have shown that infection with pneumonia may increase the proportion of slow lung obstruction after adulthood.

③ Indoor and outdoor air pollution: mainly the impact of PM2.5 on the human body.

④ Occupational factors: Some occupations come into contact with a large amount of dust, such as stone picking and coal mines.

⑤ Genetic genetic factors.

How to prevent COPD?

1. Quit smoking: Smoking is currently recognized as the main reason for inducing slow lung blocking, and the amount of smoking is closely linked to the incidence.

2. Avoid the inhalation of harmful substances such as dust, chemical biomass: The most commonly exposed to ordinary people in daily life is the oil fume produced during cooking. It is recommended to install a range hood or choose ventilation to reduce the inhalation of oil fume, thereby Prevent the occurrence of diseases.

3. Prevent respiratory tract infections and prevent colds: In the high incidence of influenza diseases, it is recommended to vaccinate influenza vaccines, pneumonia vaccines, etc. to avoid the onset.

4. Strengthen physical exercise and improve autoimmunity; strengthen protection and try to avoid crowded places.

5. Reasonable diet, eat less meals, avoid eating too much. Eating less foods that cause abdominal distension, thinner pays attention to replenishing high -quality proteins such as eggs and lean meat.

6. Keep your mood comfortable, emotional stable, and reduce mental stress.

7. High -risk population of slow lungs should pay attention to regular lung function screening, which can achieve early and early treatment.

What are the tricks of COPD Chinese medicine?

1. Sanfu and Sanjiu acupoint stickers. The rate is particularly high.

The formula of the Sanfu Post is slightly different in various regions. Acupoints are commonly used to use Feishu, Paste, Bai Lao, Lagua, Dingchong, mainly expelling phlegm, relieving, antispasm, and asthma. To prevent wetness, eliminate the source of sputum, Sanjiao Yu passs vitality and metabolizes water and humidity.

You can just post it once in each volt.

"Three Nine" is the coldest period of the year.

At this time, the use of acupuncture stickers has an urgent effect of cure, which can assist other internal governance methods to exert the role of cold -relieving meters, cough and phlegm, and relieving spasm and asthma to relieve symptoms.

Three -nine stickers are often dominated by Tiantu, Dingchong, Feishu, 膻 三, Qihai, Yongquan, etc.

2. Patients with slow pulmonary patients due to their limited respiratory function, and blood oxygen saturation is difficult to reach normal levels. Traditional exercises such as eight sections of Jin, Tai Chi, and six -character tactics are based on slowdowning. The heart is used as a means, and from the three perspectives of body activity, breathing vomiting, and psychological regulation, to achieve the purpose of enhancing immunity, improving breathing function and clinical symptoms.

Studies by Academician Zhong Nanshan's team showed that Taijiquan training can increase the tetranga muscle strength and exercise tolerance, which may become an important treatment for slow lung recovery.

Adhering to the eight -segment Jinlian practice can improve the quality of life of patients and reduce the acute increase in the disease.

There are also many studies that the six -character tactics and breathing guidance can play a good role in slow obstructive pulmonary rehabilitation.

3. Diet therapy: The main food therapy is almonds, perilla, ginger, Luo Han Guo, lily, ginkgo, Sichuan Film, Walot, Chenpi, Ginseng, Poria, yam, lotus seeds, coronal, jujube, Cordyceps sinensis, Cordyceps sinensis Wait.

You can also make medicated diet, such as Cordyceps stewed chicken, Angelica ginger and mutton soup, lily yam porridge, and boring walnut porridge.

What should I do when COPD acute attacks?

The acute aggravation of slow pulmonary block is mainly manifested as an aggressive aggravation, often accompanied by asthma, chest tightness, fever, increased cough, increased sputum volume, sputum color and / or viscosity changes.

Its most common temptation can be prevented due to respiratory tract infections (especially virus infections). Once the above symptoms occur, you should go to the hospital immediately.

How does COPD patients take care and rehabilitation?

1. Persist in long -term medication in accordance with the doctor's advice. Do not stop the medicine at will.

Based on the disease, drugs such as long -acting long -acting or short -acting β -injury agonists, antibroxy -alkaline receptor agonists and other drugs are used to combine asthma or increased pneumatic sensitivity to use glucocorticoids. Maintaining long -term treatment can help improve the quality of life, reduce the number of acute aggravation of slow pulmonary obstruction, and reduce the risk of death.

2. Patients should go to the hospital for lung function every six months to understand the progress of the disease.

Pulmonary function tests are of great significance to diagnosis, severity evaluation, disease progress, prognosis, and treatment response.

3. Patients with COPD must also adhere to home oxygen therapy in a stable period.

When patients are accompanied by continuous severe hypoxemia, arterial blood oxygen pressure is less than 55mmHg or blood oxygen saturation is less than 88%. Adhering to long -term home oxygen therapy can significantly improve the quality of life and labor ability and prolong life.

Oxygen inhalation is 10 to 15 hours a day, and the oxygen flow is 2 liters (29 % oxygen concentration).

Note that the fireworks should be prohibited around the oxygen supply device to prevent oxygen and explosion; the catheter can be replaced every day to prevent blocking; oxygen therapy device should be replaced, cleaned, and disinfected regularly. Those with conditions are best to buy oxygen making machines.

4. Physical exercise.

Choose a fresh and quiet environment, and perform physical exercise such as walking, jogging, qigong, gymnastics, Tai Chi and other physical exercise.

If the condition is heavier, you can perform bedside activities. Exercise is advised not to feel fatigue, and insisting on exercise is conducive to improving physical strength, endurance and resistance.

However, in the humidity, wind, and cold climate, outdoor activities should be avoided.

5. Respiratory muscle exercise

① Abdominal breathing method:

Assist breathing with the power of the diaphragm and reduce breathing difficulties. The method is to relax, inhale through the nose, put one hand in the abdomen, put it in the chest with one hand, relax the abdomen when inhaling Unsulating, feel the inhaled gas expand to the bottom of the lungs, and exhale the gas out of the mouth slightly after holding the breath. At this time, the abdomen can be pressed slightly upward to lift the diaphragm muscle upward, and the gas can be discharged.

You can train 2-3 times a day, about 10 minutes at a time.

② Lip retracting method:

When exhaling, the abdomen is initure, the chest is leaning forward, and the mouth is reduced (whistling), and the breath is exhaled.

Inhale and exhalation time ratio is 1: 2 or 1: 3, try to slow down as much as possible. If it is not easy to understand the action of "retracting lips", you can use a facial tissue paper to assist in training.

Put the napkin paper at 15 cm from the lips, and slowly blow the napkin paper to make it always in a state of floating.

7 to 8 times per minute, 10 to 20 minutes each exercise, and twice a day.

Summer has been exhausted, autumn has arrived.

Autumn is the high incidence of COPD. The temperature in autumn is decreased, the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, the weather is gradually dry, the rainy weather continues to increase, the population liquidity is strong, and it is easy to create conditions for the popularity and communication of respiratory infectious diseases. It can be defensive and cured.

In the treatment of slow lung, Chinese and Western medicine have their own advantages.

It is equal to China and the West and complement each other to better allow patients with slow pulmonary to "healthy breathing, unparalleled"!

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Hunan Medical Chat Special Author: Xinhua County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Chen Yilian

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