Do not go!Donggang released the latest reminder!

Author:Live broadcast Rizhao Time:2022.08.08


There are still complexity and uncertainty in the global new crown pneumonia epidemic situation

Domestic presentation of multi -point exfoliation and local scale epidemic intertwined trend

In particular, the Hainan epidemic is still rising rapidly in the near future

Waves widely, and the risk of spillover is high

Donggang District is the summer tourist season

Frequent population flow, increased aggregation activities

The situation of epidemic prevention and control is severe

In order to effectively prevent the input of the epidemic and block the risk of propagation

Donggang District released the latest reminder

1. Report in time to cooperate with epidemic prevention measures

Recently, those who go out for travel history should pay close attention to cases and asymptomatic infected trajectory information and medium and high risk zones information published by the epidemic. Persons with the risk of immune shall report to the community (village residence), accommodation hotels and units immediately to cooperate with the implementation of isolation medical observation. Focus on provinces and cities that have developed rapidly in the recent epidemic and cities with high risk areas.

2. Personnel in risks, strictly adhere to the regulations

For those who live in a high -risk area within 7 days, we will take a 7 -day concentrated observation of medical observation. For those who have a history of living in a mid -risk zone within 7 days, we will adopt a 7 Heavenly Home Observation Medical Observation. If you do not have the conditions for observation of home isolation medicine, we will take centralized isolation medical observations. Within 7 days, there are other low -risk areas where the mid -to -high risk zone (city, district) is returned to the person in the history of the low -risk areas. It will conduct 2 nucleic acid detection (interval 24 hours) within 3 days to do a good job of health monitoring. For areas that have not been announced in the high risk zone but have a social epidemic in 7 days, it is implemented with reference to the Central Risk Zone.

3. Arrange them reasonably and avoid risky areas

It is not necessary to go to the area of ​​risk of the epidemic. It is recommended to go through the latest epidemic prevention and control policies of the destination through the Chinese government network and the State Council client applets before travel, and actively cooperate with the local epidemic prevention and control measures, and do personal protection on the way. Patients such as fever and health code "yellow code" should fulfill their personal protection responsibilities and do not travel before the risk of infection is ruled out.

Fourth, fulfill the responsibility for prevention and control, and cooperate with epidemic prevention regulations

Actively cooperating with the epidemic prevention and control work is the social responsibility and obligation of each citizen. If you do not fulfill your personal responsibilities, do not take the initiative to report, report to conceal the itinerary information, do not cooperate with the follow -up investigation, do not obey the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control management, and other behaviors of the prevention and control order of the epidemic legal liability.

5. Strengthen self -protection and do a good job of health management

At present, during the summer vacation, activities such as gatherings and tourism are increasing. Do not relax your vigilance. You still need to strictly implement personal protection measures such as "wearing masks, hardcover hands, regular temperature, and less gathering" to develop good personal hygiene habits. Pay close attention to the health status of your own and family members. If you have symptoms such as fever, cough, fatigue, sore throat, diarrhea, smell (smell), you must standardize the mask, go to the regular medical institution in time, and avoid taking public transport on the road to medical treatment. During the consultation, the history of personal contact, the history of residence, and activity was truthfully informed to avoid delaying diagnosis and treatment.

6. Actively vaccinate vaccine and strengthen immunity as soon as possible

In view of the current situation of the epidemic, vaccination is still the most direct and effective means to prevent new crown pneumonia, which is obvious on reducing severe illnesses and death. Eligible resident friends are required to vaccinate the new crown virus vaccine and strengthen immunity. In particular, it is recommended that the elderly who meet the requirements of vaccination requirements over 60 years of age to complete the entire process of immunity as soon as possible. Friends who have completed the vaccination still do not relax their vigilance and still need to insist on personal protection.

Donggang District Party Committee co -ordination of epidemic prevention and control and economic operation

Work Leading Group (Headquarters)

August 7, 2022

Source: Donggang Health and Health

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