Sanya added 234 confirmed cases and 145 asymptomatic infections yesterday

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.08.09

Sanya's new coronary virus pneumonia epidemic prevention and control work headquarters' notification on new confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections

(Notice 2022 No. 73)

At 0-24:00 on August 8, 2022, 234 newly confirmed cases (43 of which were returned from asymptomatic infected) and 145 cases of non -symptoms.From 0:00 on August 1st to 24:00 on August 8th, a total of 1035 confirmed cases were found and 511 cases were asymptomatic.

The general public is requested not to believe in rumors or rumors. The news of the immune -related news is based on the official release to enhance the awareness of prevention. Scientifically wear masks, wash hands, often ventilate, maintain a safe and social distance, do not cling up, and not gather.

Sanya new coronary virus pneumonia

Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Headquarters

August 9, 2022

(Source: Beijing Daily)

【Edit: Shang Pei】

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