China Allergy Prevention Week 丨 Prevent food allergies, give you 5 suggestions

Author:Sichuan Observation Time:2022.08.09

The second week of August each year is China Allergy Prevention Week. Prevent food allergies and let us fight allergic diseases together.

Food allergies are a adverse reaction of some people to certain foods. It belongs to type I perverted reactions (external antigenic substances enter the body to stimulate the immune system and generate corresponding antibodies IgE). As of April 2022, a total of 401 kinds of food allergens identified by the International Federation of Allergen Naming Branch. Food allergic reactions can occur in people of any age and gender, but the occurrence of infants and women is mainly related to personal constitution.

Food allergies are slow and slow, and their diseases are different. Some food allergies occur after eating a few minutes after eating. Its symptoms are obvious and even more intense, manifested as vomiting, diarrhea, dyspnea, and throat edema. However, the common is the allergic reactions that occur within a few hours or even a few days after eating, called delayed food allergies, and mostly manifested as gastrointestinal discomfort and rash.

Mild food allergies can be relieved or treated with oral drugs. A small number of people with severe symptoms may have an allergic shock and need to be treated in time. Food allergies cannot be cured and repeatedly occur, so prevention is the key. How to prevent food allergies? Here are 5 suggestions for everyone.

1. Do not eat foods containing allergens

According to the requirements of my country's current national standards, pre -packaged food labels are marked with 8 allergenic substances, including gray -containing grains and their products, crustacean, and their products, fish and their products, eggs and their products , Peanuts and products, soybeans and products, milk and dairy products, nuts and nuts. The allergens that are brought into or may be brought in in the middle of the processing process shall be prompted near the ingredient table or other locations. Foods containing these 8 allergies are the main causes of Chinese food allergies. To prevent food allergies, the effective way is to not eat food that causes allergies. Generally speaking, family processing foods are easier to do, but if you eat pre -packaged food, you must pay special attention to food labels and develop the habit of checking the allergenic material logo before eating.

2. Reasonable selection of food

The survey shows that food allergies for infants and young children are one of the causes of secondary malnutrition in infants and young children. Infants with milk as the main food, if they are allergic to milk, they must choose suitable alternative foods, otherwise they will have a great impact on the healthy growth of infants and young children. In order to solve the diet safety and nutritional health problems of infants and young children, my country has approved a special medical use formula food (the label is written with a national food note Ty+8 -digit number). When parents choose special medical use formula foods, they should choose a national approval of regular products and use them under the advice and guidance of clinicians or clinical nutritionists.

For children and adults, do not eat foods containing allergens, and they cannot be diversified in food, which may cause dietary balance to be disrupted, so alternative foods must also be used.

3. Pay attention to hidden allergens

Generally speaking, people with food allergies are very concerned about their diet, and the allergens that appear under normal circumstances will be carefully avoided. And the existence of some allergens is often not easy to be found. For example, those sensitized substances that do not exist under normal circumstances, or the hidden allergens in foods are caused by allergies, which may be invincible. Sensitive people constitute danger. Studies have shown that several milligrams of peanut proteins can cause allergies, and a peanuts contain about 300 mg, that is, a peanuts are completely enough to cause allergic reactions. For some people who are allergic to peanuts, we must pay special attention to avoid eating food oil that may contain peanut protein ingredients, such as cold squeezing or extracting the processing of craftsmanship, and other foods installed with peanut product containers.

4. Don't blindly avoid

Some people did not go to the hospital for a doctor, and judged themselves to be allergic to certain foods. Since then, they have tested, which forms a psychological suggestion to make the body resist these foods. In the long run, it will affect the dietary balance. It is recommended to be diagnosed with clinicians before the taboo mouth.

5. Try other beneficial diet

The results of the study show that vitamin D may help prevent food allergies, and intestinal probiotics can alleviate food allergies. Although these research conclusions are currently controversial, they are more outdoor activities, and the sun is more than half an hour a day to promote the body's synthetic vitamin D, eat more yogurt and drinks containing prestigious bacteria. Power, improving physical fitness, has certain benefits to prevent allergies.

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