Go to the "Health Guard" in Zhangqiu District, Jinan City to publicize the Care Group to conduct a lecture

Author:Qingdao University of Science Time:2022.08.10

Text/Li Shaohui Wang Simin Picture/Han Hui Liu Haocong

The situation of the epidemic situation is still severe. In order to enhance the understanding of local residents 'understanding of infectious diseases, increase the awareness of local residents' own awareness of prevention and control, actively participate in the people's resistance to disease, and guide young students to study the scientific concept of scientific development, pay attention to the national epidemic prevention and control situation, Qingdao University of Science and Technology to go to The "Health Guardian" propaganda Care Group in Zhangqiu District, Jinan City went to Yuanxin Community, Zhangqiu District to carry out publicity and volunteer activities from August 1st to August 7th.

"read more, walk more". In a few days of volunteer activities, the members of the Care Group had a lot of gains and deeply felt. While the members of the Care Group propagate the knowledge of infectious diseases to the community residents, they also continuously enriched and improved their understanding of the knowledge of infectious disease prevention and control, and established a relatively complete infectious disease prevention and control knowledge system. Under the coordination with the local neighborhood committee, the team members also participated in the work of preventing and controlling the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic in the community. During the testing of nucleic acid, volunteers had personally experienced the hard work and dedication of medical staff, and also allowed "the epidemic prevention and control. We are in. Action "this sentence becomes reality. During the return visit of the residents of the community, many residents told the members of the Care Group that through this practical activity, the residents had a deeper understanding of the relevant knowledge of infectious diseases and improved the ability to prevent and control the epidemic. Finally, with the assistance of the community neighborhood committee, the event came to an end.

The teenager had dreams at the time. Universities are not only the process of learning books, but also the process of continuously improving themselves and enriching themselves in practice. In this social practice activity, the members of the Caring Group not only improved their ability to communicate with others, cultivated the patience of members, but also allowed members to appreciate the ordinary and greatness of the staff who served residents in their lives. "Not only the spring, but also everyone who is safe after the epidemic." After that, the members of the Caring Group will also use their spare time to actively participate in the epidemic prevention and control work. Social value contributes your youth for your hometown and society, and better show the positive spiritual style of the students of the University of Science and Technology to the society.

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