How does the common carcinogen in life enter our body?Please collect this blacklist!

Author:Great Health Promotion and Ind Time:2022.08.11

How do those common carcinogens enter the body in life?

1. Coplinum cytamoxin: eat moldy peanuts and grains

Among the moldy foods, there is a mildew from yellow mold, especially in grain. In 2007, a study of the evaluation of the exposure of Chinese people's dietary exposure to Chinese Food Health Magazine mentioned that corn and rice are the main contributions to the exposure of Chinese people's dietary exposure of Chinese people.

Gao Qilong, chief physician of the Integrated Cancer Department of Henan Cancer Hospital, said in the Health Times in 2018 in the Health Time Newspaper, that as early as 1993, it was designated as a type of carcinogens by the World Health Organization. powerful. Frequent intake may increase the risk of liver cancer.


Grain and oil should be dry and ventilated.

· Once you eat bitter or Harra -flavored nuts, you must spit out and rinse your mouth immediately.

· Cooking peanuts, corn and other foods should be cleaned before they can be scrubbed and attached toxins.

2. Benzene meal: by eating barbecue

When barbecue, a carcinogen called "multi -ring aromatic hydrocarbon" is produced, hidden in barbecue and smoke, quietly endangering our health. Pan Zhan, deputy chief physician of the Cancer Department of Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Xiamen University, and 2017 in the Health Time Newspaper, stated that the method of barbecue or smoking may produce heterocycles and polycondan gabs. Many chemicals called benzene, many baked and smoked foods may contain.

A study published in 2018 found that during the barbecue process, the human body's intake of "polygon aromatic hydrocarbons":

Eat grilled food> Skin contact> lung inhalation

This means that during barbecue, the skin absorbs more carcinogens than inhaled the lungs.


Eat as little as possible. Of course, you don't need to use the barbecue as a flood and beast.

3. Alcohol: drink through drinking

Wang Bingyuan, chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology, the First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, said in an interview with a Health Times reporter in 2017 that the main ingredient of wine is ethanol. Ethanol is oxidized after entering hepatocytes into acetaldehyde. The latter has liver toxicity and carcinogenicity. Excessive concentration causes serious harm to the liver.

Acetaldehyde in alcoholic beverages is listed as type 1 carcinogen. In the 2014 World Cancer Report, a statistics were made -3.5%of cancers were caused by alcohol. At the same time, one of patients died in 30 cancers was caused by alcohol.


· Do not drink alcohol or persuade!

4. Nitamines compounds: picking food by eating pickled food

Pickled products often contain more nitrite. Although nitrite itself is not carcinogenic, it will combine with protein into the body to form cancer nitrosamine.

Zhang Qin, deputy dean of Jiangsu Cancer Hospital, mentioned in the Jiangsu Urban Channel's "Meeting Famous Doctor" in 2019 that in smoked food, contains a large amount of nitamines, and some digestive system tumors, such as the incidence of esophageal cancer, Rate is related to the number of nitrosamine ingested in the diet. When the smoked food and wine are consumed, the harm of nitrosamine to human health is doubled.

In addition, during the process of dehydration of Chinese salted fish, some nitrosamine compounds, such as nitritamide dilate, etc. These nitrite compounds are carcinogenic.


Eat less salted fish, pickled vegetables, cured meat and other foods

5. Coal tar: smoking, second -hand smoke

Smoking and second -hand tobacco tobacco are listed as type 1 carcinogens. Wang Zhiqiang, deputy chief physician of the chest tumor center of Chongqing Cancer Hospital, talked about the 2018 Health Times that cigarettes formed nearly 4,000 new chemicals during the combustion process. Most of the substances are harmful to people, of which the most harmful is nicotine, nitrogen oxide, and tobacco -caramel, which is the culprit of carcinogenic.

Moreover, smoking is not only a kind of cancer in lung cancer, but also has a close relationship with the occurrence of cancer such as nasopharynx, oral cancer, and esophageal cancer.


· Quit smoking!

6, betel alkali: chewing betel nut

Yu Guangyan, Honorary President of the Chinese Stomatology Society, said in an interview with the Health Times in 2019 that the main ingredient of betel nut is betelhine, and betel nuts are the first -class carcinogens identified by the World Health Organization. There are some patients with oral cancer, which eventually leads to oral cancer, affects life, and affects the function and appearance of the oral cavity. Therefore, the medical community agrees that there is a close connection between betel nut and oral cancer.

7. Huazizi testing insects: I have eaten unkained fish and shell

Zhou Xiaonong, the director of the Parasitic Patient Prevention and Control Institute of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in an interview with the Health Times in 2015 that in 2009, the International Cancer Research Agency determined that Huami testament was a category of carcinogenic carcinogens. Studies have shown that the risk of bile duct cancer in the infection of the Huazhi tests is 4.5 times to 6.1 times that of non-infected people.

Bian Huawei, director of the Nutrition Department of the Third Hospital of Sun Yat -sen University, mentioned in an interview with the Health Times in 2015 that there may be testing of Chinese tests in the body of fish, shellfish and other aquatic products growing in freshwater. Freshwater fish is easy to "recruit".

How to reduce the risk of cancer?

Get 20 small details of cancer!

Sometimes it is inevitable to consume cancer, but developing a good and healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of cancer to a certain extent. Pan Zhan, deputy chief physician of the Cancer Department of Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Xiamen University, and the publication of 2018 in his personal public account "Oncology Specialist", suggestion: 1. must be thoroughly quit smoking;

2. Do not drink or occasionally drink a small amount;

3. Keep normal weight and avoid overweight and obesity;

4. Persist in exercise and avoid sedentary;

5. Ensure the necessary sleep time, the work and rest must be regular, avoid staying up late;

6. Balanced diet, not partial eclipse;

7. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. The varieties and colors must be diversified. It is best to have more than five different vegetables and fruits every day;

8. Meat intake should be appropriate. Mainly white meat and other white meat, eat less red meat such as pigs, beef, lamb. Avoid or eat less meat such as sausages, ham bacon, bacon, bacon, etc.;

9. Diet law. Do not eat breakfast and overeating. The diet is not available, and you can not eat too much;

10. Don't drink water with drinks. Do not drink or drink less sugary drinks, boiled water is the ideal;

11. Don't eat too salty. Limit the daily salt intake, do not eat or eat less pickled food;

12. Avoid diet and drinking water overheated and hot. Don’t rush to drink overheated food or drink or tea;

13. Try to divide as much as possible. Do not share catering and daily necessities such as tableware, towels, to reduce or avoid infection of Helicobacter pylori;

14. Avoid overwork. Pay attention to rest, combine labor and rest;

15. Time to stool. Develop the habit of regular stool, don't urinate;

16. Avoid multiple personal partners;

17. Reduce or avoid the exposure of professional carcinogenic environment. Take the necessary occupational exposure protection;

18. Avoid excessive sunlight. The sun should be moderate, and it is too late;

19. Stay away from anxiety. Learn to decompress and relax. Do not be in anxiety and mental high pressure for a long time;

20. Vaccine. Prevention and control of hepatitis B and hepatitis C, vaccination of hepatitis B vaccine; prevent and control of human papilloma virus (HPV) infection, inoculation of HPV vaccines for people with age; timely regulate the treatment of pre -cancer state (pre -cancer disease, pre -cancer lesions), etc.

Source: Health Times

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