The older the age, the greater the probability of cancer?Cancer screening also has a "timetable"

Author:Hunan Medical Chat Time:2022.06.17

In the culture of Chinese people, "long -lived and hundreds of years" always contains wishes for life. I do not know that the higher the chance of living for too long.

Because with age, on the one hand, genetic mutations are increasing, and on the other hand, immunity is getting weaker and weaker. Regardless of men and women, the incidence of cancer will suddenly rise after the age of 50.

We have always taboo about cancer, but reality is that cancer is close to everyone.

According to data from the World Health Organization International Cancer Research Institute (IARC), in 2020, 4.57 million new cancers in my country have been diagnosed with more than 10,000 people every day, and more than 6,000 people die of cancer.

The probability of suffering from a certain cancer in a person's life is as high as 1/3.

Conventional medical examinations are not equal to special medical examinations for cancer screening

Uncle Zhang, who lives in Yanghu, lived a happy retirement life after he was 60 years old. His son was very concerned about the health of the elderly. He took it to the hospital for a medical examination every year. There was no major problem.

However, some time ago, gastric cancer was suddenly found, and it had developed to the stage of peritoneal metastasis and unable to surgery.

In fear, Mr. Zhang is more puzzled: Why is my father? He has a regular life and a light and balanced diet, and has only a habit of smoking.

Even the factor of smoking should be a lesion in the lungs. Why is the stomach?

He had never had the problem of gastric pain or gastric ulcers before, but he had a bad appetite and dull appetite recently. He did not expect that it was a phase 4 stage of gastric cancer.

I think I was sick during the physical examination half a year ago, but why can't I check it out?

In the face of this issue, Professor Huang Junhui of the Department of Oncology at Xiangya Hospital of Central South University said that many people thought that they could know if they had cancer and could prevent cancer close. If you think so, it is too overestimated with conventional medical examinations.

General health examinations are also called conventional physical examinations, including blood pressure, pulse, electrocardiogram, blood routine, liver and kidney function, etc. It is aimed at chronic diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. As for common tumors such as gastric cancer, bowel cancer, lung cancer, Not involved.

Therefore, it is necessary to detect cancer and conduct early treatment in the early stage.

Cancer did not suddenly happen, but suddenly discovered

Cancer is a multi -factor, multi -stage, complex and gradual process. It is the result of human cell gene damage or long -term accumulation, usually more than ten to decades.

Smoking, drinking, staying up late, etc., may accelerate the process of cell damage.

But the culprit that is most related to cancer is time, and the power of time is the most powerful.

Statistics show that the incidence of cancer has increased significantly after the age of 50. As the per capita life span continues to increase, the incidence of cancer incidence is also difficult to avoid. There must be a sober cognition.

However, you don't have to worry too much. The World Health Organization proposes that 1/3 cancer can be controlled. 1/3 cancer can be cured by early detection. 1/3 cancer can use existing medical measures to extend life and reduce pain. , Improve the quality of life.

High -risk people need to pay more attention to early screening and early diagnosis. If there is a family history of tumor, at the age of 40, no matter if there is any symptoms, they must take the initiative to do further examination.

For example, high -risk people with colorectal cancer include: heavy diet, hyper oil low fiber, smoking, frequent drinking, lack of exercise, overweight and obesity, and family history of large intestinal cancer, and large intestinal cancer.

Seven major cancers, early screening and early diagnosis and early treatment effect is good

So how to screen cancer? Hunan Women's and Children's Hospital has compiled a medical examination guide for 7 common 7 cancers, come and get it!

(Edit Rainbow.)

Hunan Medical Chat Special Author: Ouyang Yan, Hunan Women's and Children Hospital

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