alert!Multi -land airports and multiple domestic flights have recently discovered infected people, and they are checked by self -examination

Author:Peninsula Metropolis Daily Time:2022.08.13

In the summer tourist season, the population flow is frequent, the gathering activities have increased, and the situation of the epidemic prevention and control is severe.

In the past few days, various reports have found that tourists are infected. Four positives were found in airports, flights, scenic spots and other places.

Involving 2 domestic flights

August 13

Wenzhou Longwan District Release Notification

Longwan International Airport

Discover 4 positives


At 19:00 on August 12th, a letter from the Kunming AOC letter was that a passenger nucleic acid detection results were abnormal in a passenger nucleic acid detection results.

After arriving at Longwan International Airport at 19:11, the passenger had been transferred to the city's designated hospital for treatment after performing a positive nucleic acid test results on the passenger.

At 21:30 on August 12th, the test results of the three passenger nucleic acid tests were tested by Kunming AOC letter. The flight has landed at 20:12. After testing the three passengers at the Longwan International Airport, the results of the three passengers were positive.

Three -positive infected people have been transferred to the designated hospital for treatment. The close contact with the close contacts and the close contacts of their close contacts, the implementation of the corresponding control measures and the detection of nucleic acid sampling detection, and the relevant areas have implemented disinfection measures in accordance with specifications.

During the period from 19: 00-20: 40 on August 12, people at the Longwan International Airport of Wenzhou should take the initiative to strengthen their own health monitoring, and take the initiative to receive 5 nucleic acid testing for 5 consecutive days.

The subsequent situation will be announced to the society in a timely manner.

According to Cangnan released 13 news:

At 21:30 on August 12th, the Longwan International Airport informed that the results of three passenger nucleic acid test results from flights from MU5230 (Lhasa -Kunming -Wenzhou) were abnormal. The flight landed at 20:12. After testing at the three passengers at the Longwan International Airport, the results of the three passengers were positive and had been transferred to the designated hospital for treatment.

There is a close contact with the same flight. At 7:51 am on August 13th, the initial sieve positive at the Cangnan isolation point nucleic acid testing. Now the close contact with the close contacts and the secondary contact person have been investigated. The nucleic acid testing, the relevant areas have implemented disinfection measures in accordance with specifications.

One -positive person

Domestic flights involved in multiple airports

According to Putian Xianyou County

Notice on August 13th


At 23:10 on August 12, 2022, it received a notification from a different place in a different place. A case of a person who returned to the airport outside the province was positive. , Re -mining testing is positive, and the Municipal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is positive.

At present, the positive infection has been closed to a designated hospital for quarantine and treatment. After consultation with the expert group, the diagnosis is diagnosed as an asymptomatic infection. The close contact with the investigated and closely connected secrets have all been implemented, and the environmental prevention measures such as anti -epidemic -related venues have been completed.

The main activity trajectory is as follows:

August 11:

At 19:40, take flight 3u8636 from Lhasa Gongga Airport at 22:00 to Chongqing Jiangbei Airport; transfer to the Brilliance International Hotel;

August 12:

9:10 Drive flight CA4565 at Chongqing Jiangbei Airport at 12:00 to Xiamen Takasaki Airport; starting from the airport (Fujian D608Y0); 14:00 at Quangang Highway Exit nucleic acid samples; 14:30 to Fengting Town, Xianyou County Home; not going out.

If you find that the trajectory announced above is sometimes intersecting, it is necessary to report to the village (residential) or unit where you are located, and cooperate with the territory to implement prevention and control measures. Those who cause serious consequences to conceal the relevant responsibilities will be investigated in accordance with the law.

Chengdu disease control: riding

Please check this flight and train for self -check

Sichuan Chengdu CDC reported on August 13 that due to the needs of the epidemic prevention and control investigation, please take the following transportation, or take the initiative to report it with overlapping personnel with the following time and space to cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control measures.

August 12th TV9824 (Lhasa Gongga-Chengdu Double Stream)

August 10 Z324 train (Lhasa-Chengdu North Station)

Please take the above -mentioned flights and trains 7 or 8 people to immediately report to the territory's illness and control department. Take other people in the Z324 train to report to the community (village) as soon as possible to implement three days and three inspections. The department's telephone is judged as a close contact, please actively cooperate with the implementation of related epidemic prevention measures.

Several tourists are confirmed after leaving

The silent management of Dunhuang

Except airport

Hot -spatial tourist cities epidemic prevention and control

The situation is also very severe

According to Dunhuang's new crown epidemic joint defense joint control

Working Leading Group August 12th Notes on August 12


Recently, the epidemic situation in Dunhuang has appeared in many places, and the overall situation is severe and complicated. Since August 10, many tourists with the history of Dunhuang have been diagnosed after leaving Dun. In order to effectively control and reduce the risk of epidemic, to ensure the safety and health of the citizens, tourists and friends. After research and decision of the leading group of the new coronary virus pneumonia epidemic and control of the new coronary virus pneumonia in Dunhuang City, the entire nucleic acid test was carried out throughout the city.

1. Time arrangement

The nucleic acid sampling began at 15:00 on August 13, 2022, and all detection was completed within 24 hours.

2. Detection range

All residents in the jurisdiction of Dunhuang (resident population, temporary population, temporary migrant population, foreign population, etc.). Third, precautions

1. All personnel are not necessary to go out. The traffic road controls and controls, strict personnel and vehicles enter and exit. If they need to go in and out of special circumstances such as medical treatment, they will report and issue relevant certificates in the residential village (neighborhood) committee.

2. A closed management of various communities and units, only one entrance is retained.

3. In accordance with the principle of "people do not get out of the district and strictly prohibit gathering", the personnel can only enter the personnel. In principle, all personnel are home.

4. Water, electricity, logistics and other operations, such as the operation guarantee industry, hospitals, pharmacies, and other enterprises that need to be continuously produced and operated. Except for the necessary living security business enterprises and large comprehensive supermarkets, other operating stores and shops will be suspended.

5. Individual clinics, clothing stores, beauty hairdressing, cinema, KTV, Internet cafes and other places that are not necessary for the lives of the masses are suspended.

6. Susement of clustering activities such as offline meetings, activities, performances, exhibition promotions.

7. Employees of administrative institutions sink to prevent and control first -line or home office.

8. Each production and operation enterprise and construction industry shall implement closed management of existing employees in the job, and foreign personnel shall not enter. Pension service agencies and Public Security Supervision Institute implements fully closed management.

9. Bus (except for airports, railway stations), and taxi are suspended; except for vehicles such as preservation of life, production, and resistance to epidemic, other vehicles cannot be available in principle, and transit vehicles are detoured.

10. Cancel the diet, strictly prohibit gathering activities, and it is strictly forbidden for family and friends to meet and dinner.

11. All kinds of schools, training institutions, and childcare institutions are suspended.

12. All tourism companies have suspended tourism.

The above silent management measures will be dynamically adjusted in a timely manner according to the changes in the epidemic situation. It is hoped that the majority of residents and tourists will understand and support, and those who refuse to execute will be held accountable in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

The situation of epidemic prevention and control is severe and complicated

If you go out and travel, you must do a good job of protection

Disease control experts remind that before departure:

It is necessary to understand the situation and prevention and control policies of the destination epidemic in advance, to know the frequency and requirements of local nucleic acid testing, to go to the high -risk zone and areas with local epidemic reports, and report to the community (village) or hotel where the destination is located in advance Essence

During the travel process:

Especially when plane, automobiles, high -speed rail and other public transportation, and in the densely crowded scenic spots, we must wear masks;

When waiting in line in the stations, scenic spots and other places, pay attention to maintaining a safe distance with others by more than 1 meter;

Try to avoid people gathering together when visiting the scenic area. Use public chopstick spoons to keep their hands hygienic during dining.

When coughing and sneezing, cover with elbows or paper towels;

When paying, try to use electronic payment to reduce contact;

Hotels and other temporary homes should be kept clean and often ventilate.

Notice! If symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, smell (taste) decrease, diarrhea and other symptoms, you need to cancel or suspend travel, and immediately go to the nearest medical institution to go to the medical institution to conduct nucleic acid testing.

Source: Beijing Daily (ID: Beijing_daily)

Original title: "Be vigilant! Those who have recently discovered infected by multiple domestic flights, check for self -examination ""

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