"Health Hall" broadcast "Don't let the body defense system" rebel "" at 17:25 today

Author:Beijing Beijing Time:2022.08.14


Zhu Jun: Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University Cancer Hospital, Chief Physician of the Department of lymphatic Incope

Zhang Chen: Deputy Chief Physician of lymphology and Internal Medicine at Peking University Cancer Hospital

Keywords: mass, the most "camouflage" tumor, lymphoma

Will your body be inexplicable? size? Soft and hard? Which feeling do you need to start alert? If a kind of "desperate" cells in the body have a rebellion, which parts will it first attack the body? Why is this a malignant tumor that is "difficult" but "good"? Zhu Jun, Secretary of the Party Committee of Peking University Cancer Hospital and chief physician of the Department of lymphatic internal Medicine of lymph and Oncology, is the guest of "Health Hall" at the "Health Hall" to tell you "Don't let the body defense system" rebel ""

Lymphoma is the most "camouflage" tumor that can occur in any part of the body. Compared with other tumors, there are many manifestations of lymphoma. It is easy to misdiagnose confusion with other diseases, and the masses that grow inside the body are not easily found. In addition, it runs around, so it is also known as a tumor that can "run". So what are the faces of "camouflage"? One of them is lymphatic swelling, from quail eggs, black eggs to goose eggs, which lymph nodes of lymph nodes of the size, location and feel need to be vigilant? Today's program will invite patients to the scene to talk about their own experience of recurring lymphoma.

To protect our body's defense system and prevent them from "rebellion", which high risk factors need to stay away from? Experts specifically remind that there is a skin condition, and middle -aged and elderly people need to pay special attention. What is it? More details lock the show tonight.

Expert out of diagnosis

Zhu Jun Peking University Oncology Hospital lympanic Internal Medicine Department of Internal Medicine special needs outpatient clinics on Wednesday morning

Zhangchen Peking University Cancer Hospital lympanic Internal Medicine Medicine Monday afternoon Expert Clinic

Remarks: The cause of the outpatient clinic, the location of the clinic, the type of outpatient (ordinary, expert or special outpatient), and registered costs are caused by the cause of the outpatient clinic.

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