Heze City's public places build a normalized prevention and control network: scan code, temperature measurement, and mask, which cannot be less

Author:Heze Daily Time:2022.08.15

With the improvement of the epidemic prevention and control situation, after the overall area of ​​our city was reduced to low risks, the malls and supermarkets gradually recovered the lively in the past. In order to consolidate the results of the hard -controlled epidemic prevention and control, the city has strictly and unclearly "prevention of epidemic prevention" in public places. Health and safety.

"Please wear a mask, with the temperature measurement, checking the health code, and presenting the itinerary ..." At 12 noon on August 11, at the entrance of the Ginza Mall (Heze Store), Zhonghua Road, it was standing in the door of the Ginza Mall of China Said sign, the staff's door is on duty.

At noon, there are many citizens who enter, and the staff frequently remind customers that they must separate one meter away and implement the epidemic prevention measures. The reporter noticed that most of the queuing customers can consciously abide by the regulations, maintain one meter distance, and measure the body temperature, sweep the yard, and present the itinerary after entering the mall. The shopping mall is neat and bright and orderly. The service desk is equipped with disinfectant and other anti -killing items. On the other hand, the epidemic prevention and control slogan is posted, and normalized prevention and control and propaganda measures have infiltrated daily operations and work.

According to the staff, in accordance with the requirements of the epidemic prevention and control, the Ginza Mall (Heze Store) conducts three disinfection and disinfecting the entire area in the mall daily, especially the key points of the escalators, elevators, and bathrooms may have close contact with people. Keep killing and disinfecting to ensure strict standards, multi -frequency, and no dead ends. In the mall, a icon and reminder of the normalized epidemic prevention and control are set up, and all employees are detected every Wednesday. At the same time, a full -time epidemic prevention personnel were set up in the entrance and exit of the entrance to conduct physical temperature testing for each customer who entered the mall, checked the health code and itinerary, and provided consumers with a healthy and safe environment.

Compared with the supermarket, affected by the epidemic, the traffic of the hotel is much smaller. At the Heping Hotel, the "place code" is attractive to the entrance. There are many normal prevention and control measures such as the temperature measurement instrument, disinfection alcohol, and one -meter -meter line. Although there are fewer people entering, the Peace Hotel has been fully implemented in full implementation of each. The prevention and control measures of the epidemic situation check the health code, sweep the yard, measure the temperature, and register for all people entering the hotel.

"Affected by the epidemic, there is no restoration of the catering and drinking, and there are not many foreign occupants, but we have also strictly implemented normalized prevention and control measures. Locals enter the hotel to measure the temperature and sweep the yard. In addition to the health code, we also have to show the itinerary. We take pictures and leave the file to the community. "The relevant person in charge of the Heping Hotel said," At present, guests who stay in the hotel have adopted no contact for breakfast for breakfast without contact. At the same time, remind you not to gather. "

Similarly, at the Chinese Road outlets of the Rural Commercial Bank, the staff also strictly implemented normalized and precise prevention and control measures. The service desk at the entrance was posted on the epidemic prevention and control of clear paper, and a warm reminder was set. Items, all citizens who enter and exit the business, have to scan, measure and register, and complete the prevention and control procedures of the epidemic before entering the lobby.

Heze Newspaper All Media Reporter Wu Yan

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