Kunming Youth Psychological Health Service Center unveiled operation

Author:Kunming released Time:2022.08.15

On August 12, the Kunming Youth Psychological Health Service Center was officially operated. Liu Shenshou, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, and Zhao Panfeng, deputy secretary of the Communist Party Committee, jointly unveiled.

At the listing ceremony, Liu Shenshou pointed out that juveniles are strong, and teenagers are the future of the country and the hope of the nation. Young people who are in the "extraction of pregnancy" need to be carefully guided and cultivated. The establishment of the Kunming Youth Psychological Health Service Center is a concrete actions to implement the central government and the province's decision -making and deployment of young people's psychological health decision -making, respond to family, schools and society's concerns, and escort the health growth of young people.

Liu Shenshou said that the Kunming Youth Psychological Health Service Center has launched offline and online -based full coverage of psychological health services for the majority of young people. Do a good job in the coordination of youth psychological counseling and diagnosis and treatment organization; coordinate and integrate the resources of all parties, form a joint force; carry out publicity and education, effectively prevent psychological diseases; coordinate and solve related issues ", aiming to establish" full chain, integration, integration, "Young psychological health education service system to create a youth psychological assistance platform for" full public welfare, full -chain service, and full resource integration ".

Liu Shenshou emphasized that the establishment of a youth mental health service center is a very innovative and professional work. It is hoped that the provincial departments will be more concerned and supported to help the center to accelerate the development. Relevant departments at the municipal level must work together to conscientiously perform their duties, provide good service, and ensure the operation of the center's operations. Central cadres and employees should enhance their sense of mission and honor, devote themselves to the service work, and use their true and true feelings to create a healthy home and soul harbor for young people.

The Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Health and Health Commission and relevant municipal departments are responsible for comrades, and the cadres and staff, expert teams, volunteers, and some parent representatives of some students attended.

Source: Kunming Daily

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Guarding young people's mental health

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47+331 are added in the local area.

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