From 0:00 on August 15th to 15:00, Beijing found 4 cases of infection among the people in Beijing, and once again warned us that the epidemic prevention and control should not be relaxed.

Author:Beijing released Time:2022.08.15

On the afternoon of August 15th, the Beijing Municipal Government News Office organized the 386th press conference of the Beijing New Crown Pneumonia Epidemium. Xu Hejian, deputy minister of the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Director of the Municipal Government News Office, and spokesman for the municipal government. Relevant persons in charge of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, Fengtai District, Changping District, and Municipal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention attended the latest epidemic situation to introduce the relevant situation of the epidemic prevention and control.

Liu Xiaofeng, deputy director of the Beijing Disease Prevention and Control Center, informed the latest epidemic in Beijing and issued a health reminder:

From 0:00 on August 15th to 15:00, 4 cases of new natives of new crown pneumonia virus were discovered in the city, 2 cases of Changping District, 1 case of each of Chaoyang District and Fengtai District; 2 cases of light type, asymptomatic infection infected infection Two cases; 3 cases of observer and 1 case of social screening personnel (in Changping District). It has been transferred to a designated hospital, and the relevant risk points and personnel have been controlled.

Infected person 1

He is now living in the first city of the city of Jinsong Street, Chaoyang District to isolate observer. Back to Beijing on August 7th, a centralized isolation of the close contact with cases outside Beijing was a concentrated part of the case. On August 14th, the test results of the nucleic acid testing were positive, and the diagnosis of non -symptoms on August 15 was diagnosed.

Infected person 2, 4

For the relationship between mother and daughter, the future of the North Qijia Town of Changping District is the future. Infertile 2 found that on August 12, it took Z180 and G2458 trains to Beijing on August 12th. Infertile 4, as a close contact with the nucleic acid test, found that he arrived in Beijing on August 10. The test results of the report of nucleic acid on August 15 were positive. On the day, the diagnosis was diagnosed with diagnosis, and the clinical type was mild.

Infected person 3

Living in the South District of Lixin Jiayuan, Taipingqiao Street, Fengtai District. Outside Beijing from July 27th to August 13th, when I bought a ticket to return to Beijing on August 13, I found a pop -up window 3, and then appealed. On August 14th, I arrived at Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport on August 14th. After the nucleic acid testing was performed at the airport, he returned to Beijing on the same day by flight CA4117. In the early morning of August 15th, the illness and control department was connected to the city of the Municipal Centers for Disease Control. Diagnosis is asymptomatic infection.

Health reminder

At present, the domestic epidemic is more distributed, and the overseas input cases continue to increase. The city is facing the summer peak of the summer, and the epidemic prevention and control situation is severe. These four input cases warned us again that the prevention and control of the epidemic must not be relaxed at all. We must resolutely prevent looseness, loopholes, and fluke, and always tighten the epidemic prevention strings. We must always adhere to the general strategy of "external prevention input and internal prevention and rebound", compress the "Quartet responsibility", strengthen the traceability and information of the flow, and the risk personnel and risk points will be lost as soon as possible. Disgle epidemic dissemination chain.

Strict implementation of remote management and regulatory management of remote control and returning to Beijing, strengthening the inspection of risk personnel such as airports, stations, and highway mounts, and adhere to the closed -loop management and safety protection of international flight entry passengers and high -risk positions.

Please meet with the cases of the same flight, train and other trains, in the risk areas such as Hainan, Tibet, Xinjiang and other risks.

Receive telephone, SMS, health treasure pop -up window, health treasure yellow code or red code to prompt risk personnel

Immediately actively report to the community, units, hotels, etc., and cooperate with various prevention and control measures such as centralized isolation, home isolation, health monitoring, and nucleic acid detection.

If you receive a notice from the community or the Center for Disease Control and Prevention as a risk person, you must truthfully report personal information and schedule, do not go out, do not receive visiting relatives and friends, and cooperate with the implementation of various prevention and control measures. If measures that cause the risk of epidemic dissemination or other serious consequences, we must bear the corresponding legal liability. Home isolation, home health monitoring, and their same residents must strictly at home and do not leave home. Once symptoms such as fever, dry cough occur, report the community immediately and cooperate with corresponding control measures.

Beijing New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Press Conference Broadcast Channel:

Webcasting Platform: Beijing released by Beijing Municipal People's Government News Office (Weibo Kuaishou Douyin Account),, Window of the Capital, Beijing Daily Client, Beijing Youth Daily Beijing Headline Client, Beijing Youth Daily Beijing Toutiao Client, Beijing Youth Daily Listen to the FM client, Beijing time, People's Daily Beijing Channel, People's Video Client, Xinhua News Agency client, video special line, Xinhuanet Beijing Channel, CCTV News client, CCTV Finance Client, China Daily official Weibo client, official Weibo client, China Daily Chinese network

Broadcasting platform: Beijing Radio and Television Taiwan Beijing Traffic Broadcasting, Beijing News Broadcasting Mailing Play Live

TV platform: Beijing TV Station News Channel live broadcast live broadcast

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