Verification 丨 Autumn Mosquito Anti -Worm Raiders

Author:Jilin Daily Time:2022.08.17

The beginning of autumn has passed. At the end, mosquitoes have not disappeared, but they have become even more powerful. Why are there so many mosquitoes after the temperature decreases? How to deal with red swelling and itching after being bitten by mosquitoes? What measures should I take? In this issue, "Verification" invites Sun Ying, deputy director of the dermatology department of Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, to answer you.

Experts in this issue: Sun Ying, deputy director, deputy chief physician, master tutor of the Department of Dermatology, Affiliated Hospital of Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Key specialist (skin) discipline leader, head of Jilin Province, the head of Jilin Province, experts in health science popularization of Jilin Province, member of the Dermatics Branch of the Chinese Medicine Society, and deputy chairman of the Jilin Provincial Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Society.

1. Why is mosquito even more fierce this year?

Sun Ying: Due to the abnormal climate this year, there are many extremely strong precipitation incidents, and a large amount of water accumulation is very beneficial to the reproduction of mosquitoes. At the same time, due to the large amount of precipitation, the humidity in the air is greater. Under the appropriate temperature, the greater the humidity, the more conducive to the survival and reproduction of mosquitoes. After the beginning of autumn, the temperature difference between day and night is large. After the night, mosquitoes prefer to get into the room with higher temperatures.

2. The harm of mosquito bites?

Sun Ying: After mosquito bite, it can cause body damage through a variety of channels. First of all, many limb animals can damage the skin through mouth or tail hooks, such as the needle -like portion of the mosquito, which causes damage by stabbing the skin. Secondly, some mosquitoes can also release toxins after bite. These "venom" stimulate the human body's immune response, that is, allergic reactions. Pimples, blisters, blisters and itching, pain and other symptoms will occur on the skin. Skin infections and honeycomb tissueitis can even cause death even. In the end, mosquito can spread a variety of diseases, such as mosquitoes can spread malaria, epidemic encephalitis and dengue fever, and fleas can spread plague. In addition, diseases such as Lisman, Lym disease, and hemorrhoid disease are also spread by mosquitoes.

3. Who prefer mosquitoes?

Sun Ying: Mosquito is more sensitive to sweat, temperature and skin release carbon dioxide. Therefore, people with vigorous metabolism are more likely to recruit mosquito bite, such as children, pregnant women, and people who sweat and sweat.

4. How to deal with it after being bitten by mosquitoes?

Sun Ying: Do not scratch or hot water caused by mosquito bite rashes to prevent secondary bacterial infections. You can rub the ointment or dew and cool oil with antipruritic analgesic effects. Those with obvious itching or rash can be used as appropriate, and can be used to rub the glucocorticoid ointment. If the skin appears blisters, swelling, and even fever and other systemic symptoms, it is recommended to seek medical treatment in time. In particular, if you encounter tick bite, you should not remove the worm body to avoid the tick's head and portion that breaks it in the skin. It is recommended to go to a nearby hospital for professional treatment.

5. How to reduce mosquito bites?

Sun Ying: First take a bath and change clothes to keep themselves clean. Secondly, the indoor should be ventilated, keep dry, and clean up the indoor and outdoor water container in time to prevent mosquito -prevention. The housing should be equipped with screens, gauze, mosquito nets, etc. to prevent mosquitoes from entering the room. Special reminders that after the autumn, do not rush to take off the tools of mosquitoes, such as mosquito nets, mosquito solution, etc., so as to better prevent mosquitoes from biting the human body. In addition, try to stay away from the environment where mosquito gather, such as flowers and trees densely, ponds, rivers and other more humid locations. To avoid contact with such an environment, you can reduce the probability of being bitten. As well as light -colored clothing, spray anti -mosquito flower dew. At the same time, many people in life like to place flowers and plants on the balcony or bedroom bedside. Although it looks pleasing to the eye, and the photosynthetic effect of the day can increase the oxygen content in the air, but there is a disadvantage that it is easy to recruit mosquitoes. Therefore, after entering the autumn, everyone is best to move flowers and plants away from the bedroom. It is recommended to place it outdoors first, so as to avoid mosquito raging.

Author: Jilin Daily All Media Reporter Zhang Tianyi

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