"Stomach Pain" is a precursor of myocardial infarction, and a 40 -year -old man holds his life overnight and lost his life.

Author:Wuhan Evening News Time:2022.08.17

Wuhan Evening News August 17 (Reporter Qi Yan Correspondent Ma Yaoyao) Recently, a man repeated abdominal pain in a sudden abdominal pain and mistakenly thought it was a stomach disease. In the end, he couldn't carry it to the hospital for an acute myocardial infarction. Experts remind that there are many causes of abdominal pain, and abdominal pain is easily confused with other diseases. Citizens should be alert to high -temperature weather inducing cardiovascular diseases and myocardial pain in atypical parts.

Mr. Xu, 40, lives in Houhu in his house. He usually likes to smoke and stays up late. One week ago, he played with a few friends after get off work. Although the weather was hot, they were enthusiastic and sweaty after exercise. Not long after returning home, Mr. Xu felt a faint pain in his upper abdomen. At first, he thought it was too hot to eat too much. After eating more stomach problems, after taking the gastric medicine that he had prepared at home, the pain did not improve at all. At 6 am the next day, he couldn't stand it before going to the hospital before going to the hospital. Essence

Deputy Chief Physician Dai Rui in Cardiovascular Department conducted interventional treatment for patients.

In the Houhu Hospital of Wuhan Central Hospital, the doctor found that Mr. Xu was not a stomach problem at all, but acute myocardial infarction! The chest pain center of the hospital immediately opened the green channel, and the team of cardiovascular medicine was in place quickly. The subsequent angiography showed that Mr. Xu's three lesions and anterior steps were acute. Finally, the deputy chief physician of Cardiovascular Department of Cardiovascular Department of Dai Rui was resolved and implanted in the emergency opening of the patient. Due to the close end of the front and right crowns, Mr. Xu had carried hard at home before, and the heart ischemia was too long. He had heart failure after surgery. The gentleman is out of danger. At present, the vital signs are stable, and the physical condition has gradually improved.

"Many citizens feel that winter is a multi -season of cardiovascular disease, but under extremely high temperature weather, cardiovascular diseases are also easy to induce. This year, in summer, cardiovascular medicine has cured many patients with acute emergency infarction, and many are urgent crisis Severe patients. "The chief physician Chen Juan, chief physician of the Cardiovascular Department of Cardiovascular Medicine in Houhuyuan District.

Chen Manhua, Director of Cardiovascular Medicine of Wuhan Central Hospital (Wuhan Cardiovascular Disease Hospital), introduced that this year's extreme high -temperature days, the human body sweats a lot, and it is easy to form thrombosis after the blood concentration. It is easy to induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; in addition, summer is hot and hot, and people are easily affected by irritability, causing the sympathetic nerve excitement in the body, accelerated heartbeat, and easy to induce myocardial infarction.

Director Chen reminded that citizens should be alert to high temperature weather to induce cardiovascular disease. When sweating a lot, it is recommended to replenish water in time, but do not eat cold drinks immediately in high temperature environment or exercise. Ice drink; usually keep a comfortable mood, exercise appropriately, sufficient sleep, regular work, quit smoking and drinking, and do not stay up late. Director Chen particularly emphasized that there are many atypical symptoms of myocardial infarction that also need to be vigilant. The severe pain of some atypical parts is also a precursor to myocardial infarction. Due to the pain of myocardial infarction, the pain can be radiated to the left upper limbs, upper jaw, back and upper abdomen, pharynx, teeth and other non -typical parts, which requires high vigilance.

[Edit: Yu Lina]

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