What is the hazard of high myopia and the threat of health threats?

Author:Zhangjiajie Time:2022.08.17

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High myopia and bottom of the eye health danger

1. What is high myopia and development path?

High myopia refers to a state of refractive incorrectness in the number of myopia at 600 degrees and above. It has two development paths:

1. It is possible to stabilize after adulthood, and the degree no longer increases. It is not accompanied by eye lesions with irreversible visual damage.

2. Myopia will progress for life, accompanied by irreversible visual damage and fundus lesions. This is called pathological high myopia. The main reason may be that high myopia causes the eye shaft to continue to increase.

Normal people's eyeballs are similar to spheres. As myopia deepen, the eye axis becomes longer, and the volume of the eyeball gradually increases. Just like blowing bubbles, the volume will become thinner after the volume increases, which will cause various lesions on the bottom of the eye.

2. What are the common bottom lesions caused by high myopia?

1. Verilla turbidity: Vitate is a gel -like substance in the eyes. It is located between the lens and the retina. It is part of the refractive medium of the eyes. The light enters the eyes from the cornea, through the crystal, water, and vitreous, and the final imaging is on the retina. With the increase of age and high myopia, the probability of turbidity in vitreous bodies greatly increases.

2. Macular degeneration and rupture: Matsyus is a area on the retina. There is a small concave in the center. It is clinically called the macular center concave. This is a very keen part of the vision on the retina. The symptoms of vision decrease significantly.

3. Polychinic vascular vascular: As the name suggests, the tissue has increased some blood vessels for some reason. It can pass through the Bruch membrane and enter the retinal pigment epithelium or retinal nerve epithelium. Patients with high myopia cause the glass membrane rupture due to the excessive extension of the eye shaft, and the retinal pigment epithelium and the extensive atrophy of the veins are caused by chronic hypoxia, which provides opportunities for CNV growth. At the same time Insufficient flow infusion affects the blood supply of the inside and outside of the retina, causing local nutritional disorders. Therefore, the CNV of high myopia is often small and limited.

4. Retinal detachment: The retina is the inner layer of the eyes. The retina is divided into two layers. The external retinal pigment sheet and the inner retinal nerve epithelium layer. Ferry disconnection.

3. What are the manifestations of the bottom complications caused by high myopia?

Common symptoms are usually:

1. Black shadow fluttering in front of you

2. Visual vision, deformation of the vision

3. Flash sense

4. A significant decline in vision

5. Vision defect

Reminder: Many bottom disease diseases have no obvious discomfort in the early stage and are not easily found, but early is often a suitable time for treatment. Once this time is missed, the lost vision is likely to not get a good recovery. In particular, patients with high myopia should pass regular eyes inspections, early detection, early treatment to prevent disease development.

Consultation/Appointment: 0744-8858999


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