Notice!Cardiovascular disease "stares" to the child

Author:Guangming Daily client Time:2022.06.18

Visual China/Guangming Picture

Visual China/Guangming Picture

Visual China/Guangming Picture

When he was a child, he was born with years. However, because of the many bad living habits such as "I can't control my mouth, can't open their legs", there are more and more "little fat pier" around us, and some of them even suffer from the "exclusive" of the original adult "exclusive". Cardiovascular -related diseases are worrying.

Ye Zhidong, director of cardiovascular vascular surgery of China -Japan Friendship Hospital, Shi Lin, director of Cardiovascular Medicine, Director of Capital Institute of Capital, pointed out that high blood pressure, abnormal blood lipids, diabetes, as well as obesity, smoking, lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating habits, etc. The main risk factor of vascular disease and changing, they call for cardiovascular health to start from the "doll".

How long is the vascular life?

When it comes to blood vessel health, the public may first think of the heart and cerebral blood vessels. But in Ye Zhidong's view, the whole body blood vessels are important because the blood vessels of the whole body are closely related to the health of the whole person.

For example, Ye Zhidong said that the blood vessels supplying the heart are narrowed called coronary heart disease, and the blood vessels supplying the brain are narrowed and called cerebral vascular disease. In fact, blood vessels in other parts of the human body are narrow. Once the narrowing rate is above 50%, the blood flow dynamics changes, and the blood vessels and tissue organs have ischemic changes. However, clinically, it is generally based on 70%. At this time, patients will have obvious manifestations -if the cardiovascular vascular occurs, patients will have angina pectoris; the neck arteries will occur in the body's weakness and speech disorders; Sifferential walking is weak, and professional terms are called intermittent lame.

In 2019, my country issued the "Healthy China Action (2019-2030)", which clearly states that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases have the characteristics of high prevalence, high residual rate, high recurrence rate, and high mortality rate, which brings heavy heavy mortality rates, which brings heavy heavy mortality rates, which brings heavy heavy mortality rates, which brings heavy heavy mortality rates, which brings heavy heavy mortality rates, which brings heavy heavy mortality. Social and economic burden. According to statistics, there are 270 million patients with hypertension in the country, 13 million patients with strokes, and 11 million patients with coronary heart disease.

"Intervention measures for risk factors can not only prevent or postpone the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but also synergistic with drug treatment to prevent the recurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases." Ye Zhidong pointed out that vascular health is closely related to human life, blood vessels have the lives of human life, and blood vessels have the lives of people. How strong is life.

Vascular health is urgent to be a bad lifestyle "buried thunder"

Xiaohua, 12, is 1.77 meters tall, but weighs 100 kilograms. Because of the frequent headache, Ms. Li took him to the Capital Institute of Capital Institute of Capital. Examination results show that primary hypertension level 2 is accompanied by fatty liver, even kidney damage, hyperuricemia, and hypertrophymia.

Why do you get high blood pressure at such a small age? It turned out that Xiaohua's parents were very busy. During the epidemic, Xiaohua lived at home, and her mother would make breakfast and lunch together, and at the same time left some snacks at home. Gradually, Xiaohua's living habits have changed some: after eating, they are sleepy and sleeping. They always like to pour soup into rice. They have grown sixty or seventy pounds in 3 months.

"In recent years, children's nutritional intake has become increasingly abundant. In addition, during the prevention and control of the epidemic, many children stay at home and eat more movements, and the problem is here." Shi Lin pointed out that there is a particularly obvious feeling now. Children with high blood pressure have increased, and most of the children are "fat and holding a big belly" "always feel dizzy and headache", "strong appetite, red -roasted meat and fried chicken legs are the biggest hobbies" "Lazy state, like lying down, I don’t want to lie down, don’t want to lying down, don’t want to lying down. "Dynamic", these bad lifestyles are "buried thunder" by blood vessels.

Unhealthy diets such as high salt, high sugar, and high fat are risk factors that cause obesity, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and other metabolic diseases. Ye Zhidong said that the World Health Organization summarized global research found that of the four major factors that affect personal health and life span, biological genetic factors accounted for only 15%, but their lifestyle and behavior accounted for 60%. If a healthy lifestyle is adopted, 80%of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases can be prevented.

Shi Lin reminded parents that if children have symptoms of dizziness, headache, gain weight, and emotional irritability in a short time, parents must take their children to the hospital to check blood pressure in time, especially families with a family history of high blood pressure. They need to pay special attention.

The blood lipids over 18 years old in my country reached 40.4%and showed an upward trend

In 2017, my country's first Chinese Cardiovascular Health Index (CHI) attracted social attention. This index provides comprehensive technical support by the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Center. It is a comprehensive index that reflects the cardiovascular health of the crowd in my country. It can simply and intuitively evaluate the cardiovascular health of the Chinese population.

With the advancement of the construction of healthy China, the health literacy of the people is increasingly improved. The 2021 version of CHI also shows that a total of 14 provinces and cities are on the national CHI horizontal line, of which Shanghai, Beijing, Zhejiang Province, Fujian Province, Jiangsu Province, Tianjin, Tianjin City Rules of the top six. Most provinces have increased CHI scores, but cardiovascular health problems caused by many factors are not caused by a short time.

Taking obesity as an example, obese emphasized that obesity has been identified by the World Health Organization as a disease, which can cause a series of health problems such as hypertension, abnormal blood lipids, and coronary heart disease. She quoted the data of the "Consensus on the Prevention and Control of Chinese Residents" that ultra -weight and obesity are the main risk factors of chronic diseases. At present, more than half of our country and about 20%of school -age children are overweight or obese. In some cities, children, adolescents are overweight, and the obesity rate has reached 40%. In the past 20 years, the prevalence of overweight, obesity rates, and related chronic diseases in my country have risen rapidly. The consensus issued by the Chinese Society of Nutrition and the China Prevention Medical Association in 2022 also pointed out that according to the latest research prediction, by 2030, the prevalence of adults at the age of 18 and above in my country will reach 65.3%, and school -age children And adolescents (7-17 years old) will reach 31.8%, preschool children (≤6 years old) will reach 15.6%.

Ye Zhidong has been engaged in cardiovascular clinical work for many years, and most of the outpatient clinics are also mostly patients with middle -aged and elderly patients, but he emphasized that in addition to congenital vascular problems, many adults are sick from adolescents. At present, many children are overweight, which causes children's hypertension. The "Health China Action (2019-2030)" pointed out that the prevalence of hypertension at the age of 18 and above in my country is 25.2%, and the abnormal blood lipids reached 40.4%, all of which show an upward trend.

If you have a childhood childhood, you have developed a living habit of excessive nutrition and lack of exercise, and you may have chronic diseases such as obesity and hypertension, diabetes, and the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases will increase. Ye Zhidong reminded: "If there is a family history of cardiovascular disease, such as your parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, there are families who have clear cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases before the age of 55. Parents should pay special attention to their children's cardiovascular health. "In addition, if adolescents actively smoke or passively inhaled second -hand smoke, they can easily cause arteriosclerosis.

Prevent cardiovascular disease starting from developing good living habits

On April 26, 2022, an article posted by the official website of the China Disease Prevention and Control Center published in the "New England Medical Magazine" pointed out that based on analysis of the following 35 years of follow -up data, it was found that in childhood (childhood (childhood 3-19 years old) If the weight index, blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride are high or have smoking habits, then the risk of death or non-death cardiovascular risk after adulthood (especially before 40 years old). Researchers said that the prevention of cardiovascular disease should indeed be "started from childhood" and start from developing good living habits.

Xiao Ming, a 10 -year -old boy living in Dongcheng District, Beijing, is 1.60 meters tall and weighs 75 kg. He has a small belly that does not match his age. Xiaoming's mother was anxious, trying to make the child eat more, but she was worried that she lacked nutrition when she was long.

Xiaoming's mother's thoughts represent the anxiety of many mothers. In the outpatient clinic, Shi Lin often encounters the helplessness of the parents of the child. "The child's appetite is unwilling to exercise, what should I do?" In the face of this situation, Shi Lin's method is to give encouragement and set goals; then target the goal; then target the target; then target the target; then target the target; then target the target; to target it for the goal; then target the goal; then target it for the goal; then target it. The physical condition and personality of your own children, formulate personalized methods, and cultivate good living habits; in the end, it is also the most important thing to accompany the child. Many parents pressed the matter of weight loss on their children, which must not work. The ideal state is to accompany the children to do some fun exercises.

Shi Lin combined with outpatient experience to give parents a trick, such as formulating forms to record daily diet, exercise, weight, blood pressure value, etc., and post a small red flower after completing the goal; Several photos, ask the doctor to give professional judgments to encourage children; when encountering difficulties, do not blame the child at will.

For children with overweight and obese, Ye Zhidong also suggested that energy intake should be reduced, the proportion of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet should be appropriately selected. Avoid eating greasy foods and fried foods, eat less snacks and sweets, do not drink or drink sugar -containing drinks. Eating regularly, do not miss meals, do not overeating, you can be full.

"Slow -sickness management is a long -term process. Although it is difficult, it will make their children benefit for a lifetime." Shi Lin said that parents must be confident that if it is only a mild and moderate blood pressure increase, there is no heart to have the heart. The damage to the kidneys, the bottom of the eye, and the timely intervention of the lifestyle can achieve the effect of clinical cure.

(Reporter Jin Zhenya)

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