Taiyuan Centers for Disease Control Center participated in the province's emergency infectious disease emergency response training course and comprehensive exercise of sanitary emergency response in 2022

Author:Fairview Taiyuan City Time:2022.08.18

From August 15th to 19th, the Shanxi Provincial Health and Health Commission held a training course for emergency response to emergency infectious diseases in the province in 2022 in Xinzhou City. The Taiyuan Center for Disease Control and Prevention was led by Deputy Director Guo Jian'e to send emergency players such as emergency, infection, disinfecting, and inspection.

Under the leadership of the emergency team of Taiyuan Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, under the leadership of Deputy Director Guo Jian'e participated in military literacy training, field survival, camp construction, water rescue, health emergency knowledge training, load -beam off -road and other projects, and with Yangquan City, Jinzhong City, Luliang Liang, The city formed the central theater, penetrated into the local rural areas, and simulated the characteristics of disaster prevention and relief after the flood disaster. The exercise content involves nine aspects of strengthening information reports and emergency duty, strengthening monitoring and early warning, regulating the survey and disposal of infectious disease epidemic situation, normalization of new crown pneumonia epidemic, health education propaganda, material reserves, and public health risk assessment. During the exercise, the emergency team members went deep into the affected areas, conducted on -site surveys and visits to the households, and understood the area of ​​the affected area and the crowd, as well as the local natural conditions and the main popular infectious diseases. Prevention and control measures such as intestinal infectious diseases, respiratory infectious diseases, and food -oriented diseases are proposed, and the monitoring and leakage survey of symptoms of infectious diseases is carried out to conduct disease media monitoring, disinfection and insecticidal, healthy missionary, and providing drinking water, etc. The normal life of local residents.

By participating in this training exercise, not only exercised the physical fitness of the players, improved the comprehensive ability of professional skills, team collaboration, and emergency response, and also found some problems and deficiencies. In the future work, the Taiyuan Center for Disease Control and Prevention will continue to be strong for shortcomings, make up for the weaknesses, and refine a centers that come, comes to fight, and battle.

Source: Taiyuan Disease Control Center

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Source: Hebei Health, People's Daily Online