Xiangcheng, Henan: Promoting the construction of a city medical community to make the masses see a doctor more convenient

Author:Zhoukou Daily Time:2022.08.21

Zhoukou Daily · Zhou Dao client reporter Zhang Zhixin

"In the past, as soon as my mother had a serious illness, we had to take her to the large hospital in Xiangcheng or Zhoukou City. How good now, we can enjoy the expert's diagnosis and treatment services at the door of the house. It's so convenient. "On August 14, 2022, in a ward in Yongfeng Town, the Second Medical and Health Service Group of Xiangxiang City, Zhoukou City, Henan Province, the villager Huang Lady Huang, the villager of Wangying Administrative Village, aggravated It is accepting the remote multidisciplinary joint diagnosis and treatment of experts from the Xiangcheng Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the daughter who stayed aside said.

The changes in Aunt Huang's medical treatment are the convenience brought about by Xiangcheng's continued promotion of the construction of the municipal medical community. In recent years, Xiangcheng has adhered to the people -centered development ideas, and established two medical groups led by the Municipal First People's Hospital and the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which closely focused on letting the masses "optimistic about the disease, seeing the disease, less illness, and having some illness, having some of them, and some. Dignificance "" this benefit project, initially builds a "interconnection, interoperability, co -construction, sharing" close -to -type medical community, and strives to create a "Xiangcheng model" characteristic "Xiangcheng model", so that the health of the masses can be more colorful, happiness, happiness, and happiness. More sustainable and security.

In the pace of accelerating the construction of the community of the city's medicine, Xiangcheng established the working mechanism of "the party committee's unification, government leadership, department responsibility, and overall advancement", and realized the three -level interconnection of towns and villages and unified management of human property. At the same time, Xiangcheng has constructed a regional imaging ECG Diagnosis Center with uniform, efficient, interconnection, and information sharing, and realizes the centralized diagnosis, difficulty referral, inspection sharing, and code scanning medical treatment in the region. At present, the remote consultation and conference system of Xiangcheng has covered the medical community leading hospital, grass -roots hospitals and village clinics.

According to reports, in the process of promoting the construction of the city's medical community, Xiangcheng established a total of 18 telemedicine service teams to integrate all medical resources in the jurisdiction through the "grass -roots call, headquarters report" method, and promote the co -construction and sharing of medical resources in the city. The city medical community construction target of "small illnesses is not out of the village, and the big illness is not out of the market" is initially realized.

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