"Provincial Medicine · Famous Doctor" Zhong Lili: Don’t be afraid of "unpopular", 29 years of child guardian guardian

Author:Hunan Medical Chat Time:2022.08.24

Don't be afraid of "unpopular"

29 Child Guardian God of Children

"How many children? Is your appetite okay?" "When is the most powerful period of coughing, or sooner or later? Is there any breath?" "Do you have a history of cough?" Do you get tuberculosis? "...

Faced with each child, Professor Zhong Lili, the Children's Medical Center and Director of the Department of Respiratory Immunization of the Hunan Provincial People's Hospital, will ask the parents of the children in detail.

In the process of inquiring, she stroked and praised the child from time to time.

In the morning, more than 4 hours of outpatient clinics, Zhong Lili took only a few sips of water, and the toilet did not go ...

[Zhong Li Li is a small patient in the checker]

For a long time, pediatricians are a "unpopular" major. Because of their age, difficult communication, tedious and meticulous work, and relatively poor treatment. Generally, graduates from medical schools are reluctant to go.

But Zhong Lili likes children, and at the beginning of learning medicine, he is determined to be the protector of the child's life.

From a college graduation in 1993 to the pediatric department of the Hunan Provincial People's Hospital, she was 29 years old.

[Place the first tracheal stent in the province]

"It is my mission to get more children to get rid of the pain of illness." Zhong Lili said so.

Respiratory disease is a big "killer" that affects children's health. Zhong Lili organized municipal -level hospitals in many places in the province for 10 consecutive years to monitor the pathogen of children's respiratory infection diseases, and conduct multi -center research on pathogenics of spasm cough. It provides an important basis for the original epidemic status and guidance of clinical treatment for children's respiratory infections in Hunan.

In 2004, she took the lead in carrying out children's fibrous mirror technology in the province and placed the first tracheonal stent in the province to become the first person in Sanxiang's children's fibrous mirror.

[Zhong Li stands in the department for inspection and case discussion]

As the deputy chairman of the Children's Breathing Endoscopy Specialist Committee of the Pediatric Branch of the Chinese Physician Association, Zhong Lili has formed the endoscopic group of the Hunan Pediatrician Association to help nearly 40 units in the province establish a children's bronchial mirror room.

In the past 30 years, Zhong Lili has been diagnosed with more than 200,000 children, and more than 50,000 children have healed out of the ward.

In order to further standardize the diagnosis and treatment of children's asthma, Zhong Lili, as the leader of the Hunan Children's Respiratory Group, organized the construction of the standardized outpatient system of Hunan Children's Asthma, with the help of children's asthma standardized medical record system to train nearly 600 full -time medical staff in children with asthma. , Help children's family management, greatly enhance the diagnosis and treatment of children's asthma in our province.

[Patient's family members send Jinqi to Zhong Li Li and his team]

"A doctor must be responsible at the critical moment of the patient." This is a sentence that Zhong Lili often said.

In the Spring Festival of 2018, a mother of a child with severe trachea in the 2018 found Zhong Lili and begged to transfer to the children of many hospitals to her responsible general ward.

This child has been in the intensive care unit due to respiratory distress syndrome due to respiratory distress syndrome. After 8 months, he weighed only 4.3 kg and the condition was critical. It is most likely the last Spring Festival.

In 2018, Zhong Lili went to Sierra Leone, Africa with the "Maternal and Children's Health Innovation Project" of the Hunan Province Health Commission to assist Zhongsea Friendship Hospital to establish a maternal health clinic and be a free clinic for local children.

During the Spring Festival, Zhong Lili stayed in the ward every day, and the medical staff who were going home also refunded the ticket.

Through hard work, after 168 hours of fighting, the child successfully removed the ventilator. In the Spring Festival of 2019, Zhong Lili received the handsome photos and blessings of the children.

[On July 26, 2019, Zhong Lili participated in the advanced typical report of the theme education of the theme education of the theme education of "Not forgetting the original intention and keeping the mission in mind" in Hunan Province.

It was this love and original intention that Zhong Lili became the "angel mother" in the eyes of children and their families.

(Edit Rainbow.)

Source: Propaganda Office of Hunan Provincial People's Hospital

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