Shaoxing's high -speed service area found a couple positive!Xining 3 trains infected, involved 2 trains

Author:Look at the news Time:2022.08.24

Four cases involved in the Qinghai -Tibet Railway Company's asymptomatic infection in Xining City

At 10:14 on the 24th, the headquarters of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic in Xining City in Qinghai Province issued a notice saying that from 0:00 to 24:00 on August 23, 2022, 4 cases involving the Announcement of the Qinghai -Tibet Railway Company's asymptomatic infection were disposed of , Transferred to a fixed -point medical machine.

Announced asymptomatic infection No. 1: Qinghai -Tibet Railway Company Z22 trainee, was transferred to the centralized isolation point in Chengdong District on August 23, and positive nucleic acid testing was positive.

Symptoms No. 2: Qinghai -Tibet Railway Company Z166 trainee, was transferred to the centralized isolation point in Chengdong District on August 22, and was positive for nucleic acid testing on the 23rd.

Asymptomatic infection No. 3: Qinghai -Tibet Railway Company Z166 trainee, was isolated and controlled on August 23, and positive nucleic acid testing was positive.

Announced asymptomatic infection No. 4: The close contact with the asymptomatic infected infection No. 3 was isolated and controlled on August 23, and positive nucleic acid testing was positive.

In addition, from 0:00 to 24:00 on August 23, 2022, Xining found 7 asymptomatic infections among key management and control personnel, and has transferred to designated medical institutions.

Announced asymptomatic infection No. 1: Tibet transit Xining to Lanzhou truck driver. On August 22, it was shipped to the goods. It was then isolated and controlled. On the 23rd, nucleic acid testing was positive.

Announced asymptomatic infection No. 2: Tibetan truck driver, arrived in the Middle District on August 22, was then isolated and controlled, and the nucleic acid detection was positive on the 23rd.

Announced asymptomatic infection No. 3: Tibetan truck driver, arrived in the Middle District on August 23, was then isolated and controlled, and positive nucleic acid testing was positive.

Announced asymptomatic infection No. 4, 5, 6, and No. 7: It is the relative and close contact with Tibet Lai Ning's asymptomatic infected infected on August 23, and was isolated and controlled on the 21st. On the 23rd, nucleic acid detection positive Essence

It is reported that the close contact with the above 11 asymptomatic infected people has implemented control measures simultaneously.

A high -speed service area found a couple positive

Shaoxing Sanjiang High -speed Service Area found 2 cases of external transit positive activities in the province

At 21:35 on August 23rd, the Municipal Prevention and Control Office was notified. The mixed pipes outside the province were positive. Two of them (couples) entered Shaoxing from high speed and stayed in the Sanjiang service area of ​​Shaoxing. After the report was notified, Shaoxing Yuecheng District Joint Defense and Control Headquarters initiated the emergency mechanism in a timely manner, and launched emergency disposal such as nucleic acid testing, flow investigation, isolation control, and ending disinfection. Two tests were positive after nucleic acid testing, and they have now been closed to designated hospitals for treatment. The above two are transit persons and have not entered other districts of Vietnam. The above two people will be announced as follows during the stay of the service area:

At 21:11, 2 people entered the Sanjiang high -speed service area in Shaoxing;

At 21:14-21:18, 1 person (female) got out of the car to go to the toilet, and returned to the car after throwing the garbage next to the trash can next to the car;

At 21:14-121:21, 1 person (male) got out of the car to go to the toilet, and then returned to the car.

Please go to the Shaoxing Sanjiang Expressway Service Area during the above period of time, do a good job of personal protection, and immediately report to the local towns, communities (villages) or work units, and cooperate with the implementation of the prevention and control of the epidemic. If the relevant contact situation is concealed, the spread of the spread of the epidemic will be held in accordance with the law.

The general public is requested to cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control work, consciously abide by laws and regulations, do not create rumors, rumors, and rumors, maintain normal production and living order, implement personal health protection measures, develop masks, wash hands, often ventilate, and maintain safety Social distances such as sanitary habits, actively vaccinate vaccines, and jointly build an immune barrier.

Yuecheng District New Coronatte Pneumonic Pneumonia Epidemic Prevention and Control Work Leading Group Office Office August 24, 2022

All members are "orange pop -ups"! 8 spread chains have been found here

On August 23, Chongqing held a press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia. At the meeting, since the "August 03" epidemic, 15 local epidemic conditions have occurred in Chongqing, related to 5 sources and 8 chains.

At present, the epidemic situation in Hechuan, Fengdu, Wuxi, Laoshan, Jiulong Po, Xipeng Town and other places has been transferred to normal prevention and control. The epidemic risks of Yubei, Kaizhou, Beiyi, South Bank and other places are generally controllable, but "8 · 8 · 8 · 8 · 16 "The situation in the Shapingba epidemic situation is still severe. Experts may still find cases in the society after studying the epidemic. Infectious risk.

Generally speaking, the current development of the city's epidemic situation has not yet bottomed out, facing large uncertainty, and the situation of the prevention and control of the epidemic is severe and complicated.

Yesterday, the leadership group of Chongqing's new coronary virus pneumonia's epidemic prevention and control work issued a notice on the screening of nucleic acid screening in the central urban area:

● 2022年8月24日(星期三),对重庆中心城区(渝中区、江北区、南岸区、九龙坡区、沙坪坝区、大渡口区、北碚区、渝北区、巴南区、两江新区、 All citizens in the Western Science City Chongqing High -tech Zone) conducted 1 round of nucleic acid testing.

● In view of the current high temperature weather, the concentrated sampling time is arranged in principle at 6-12 am and 6 pm on the 24th. If the heat prevention conditions are available, the other time can be sampled according to the needs of the citizens. All the day was completed.

● In order to ensure that "inspection should be inspected", the citizens of the central city "Yugang Code" will start to play orange pop -ups from 0:00 on August 24 ("Yukang Code" already has pop -up windows, red code, and yellow code.Transformed), the window is automatically eliminated after completing a nucleic acid sampling.The first day of the pop -up window does not affect normal activities, and it is advocated not participating in clustering activities.If the nuclear acid sampling is not performed, it is not allowed to have dinner or business activities from the second day of the nucleic acid sampling.This article is based on the release of Xining, the release of Chongqing, the release of Shaoxing, and the Morning News

WeChat editor: nano

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