Tomorrow, officially end

Author:Great Wall Time:2022.08.25

Tired guests, the luminous light is not stunned.

After being out,

The signs of all things have also changed.

Tomorrow (August 25)

Three volts long for 40 days

Formally end!

伏 · weather


Out of Vagua, it represents Futian,

The hotness gradually disappeared.

Tired guests, the lumines

But in some southern regions,

After being out,

Often just feel a little coolness,

I encounter high temperature again,

That is the legendary "autumn tiger".

High temperature, high humidity, sultry body,

Pay attention to heatstroke and cool down,

Try to avoid the high temperature period in the afternoon

Outdoor activities.

伏 · Health

From the time to autumnal equinox, it was a period of large temperature fluctuations in the year. During the day, it is stuffy and high temperature, and the temperature span of the day is large, which can easily induce cardiovascular disease.

The summer heat will converge, the autumn meaning will be stronger

When the weather is getting cooler, the cold and heat causes the human blood vessels to often be in a state of expansion to relative contraction, and from shrinkage to expansion, which is a health threat for people with cardiovascular disease.

Moreover, when the weather is cool, some patients with cardiovascular disease will relax their vigilance. Daily living kimono loses laws, and the hot weather comes again, which can easily lead to acute attacks on the disease.

Not only that, the high temperature weather that appears from time to time makes the human body sweat a lot, which can easily cause blood viscosity to increase and slow blood flow, causing cerebral thrombosis. It may also cause the body's blood capacity to produce blood concentration, cause insufficient infusion of important organs, ischemic damage, and cause angina pectoris.

Therefore, after Futian, you can't relax, and you must keep it correctly.

伏 · Health

After 伏, the weather changes frequently. In order to prevent physical discomfort caused by temperature changes, daily life needs special attention.

Eat more "nourishing yin and moisturizing" food

Xiaqiu alternate, the climate is gradually dry, the human lung qi is relatively strong, and the diet must be "moist". Winter melon, white radish, celery, and onions have the effects of stabilizing blood pressure and preventing cardiovascular disease. Bananas and apples are rich in potassium, which can fight sodium in the body and play a lowering effect.

Adjust your schedule and go to bed early

After being out of the way, because of the hot summer of "long and long nights", many people will have a "autumn lack" phenomenon. Experts introduced that from 11 pm to two or three in the morning, it is the best sleep time for the human body. Generally, it is best to sleep at 10:30, especially when you must fall asleep from 1 to 3 am, otherwise you will have a greater one to the body. damage.

Follow the weather changes, heat up to avoid cold

Pay attention to the weather changes. It is best to add a long -sleeved "thin clothes" sooner or later. This temperature difference is much less stimulating to the body. It must protect the most abundant blood vessels in the neck, back, and foot. The stimulation of autumn and cooling will cause blood vessels to shrink sharply and cause danger.

Moderate exercise to enhance immunity

Proper exercise can improve the human body's own immunity and resist the invasion of various diseases. Do not exercise too severe, it is best to perform outdoor exercise in the early morning and evening. It is advisable to choose a small or moderate exercise method, such as jogging, swimming, Tai Chi, etc.

Ending · Diet

Every solar terms,

"Eat" will ask them habitually:

What should I eat today?

After "出",

In the real sense in summer

Transition to autumn.

At this time, the human lung qi is relatively strong,


Food that raises yin,

Such as fungus, lily, sesame seeds, etc.

Try to eat less fried and barbecue foods;

Lotus root warm,

Eating more can nourish the lungs and nourish blood,

Just make soup with ribs.

Jujube can make up for qi and nourish blood.

As the saying goes,

"Eating three jujube a day, not old in your life."

For example

Better results.

There is a saying in folk saying "autumn gourd bad belly",

Mel is mostly cold and cold,

After eating too much, it will damage the spleen and stomach,

To stop.

Fruit categories can be eaten more,

Such as pears, apples, etc.

There is no need to urge the autumn during autumn,

The wind of the rainy feet is fast.

After three volts,

The most pleasant scene of the year is coming.

Yu Hui Xi Zhao,

At the beginning of the autumn wind,

Wish you and me,

Wandering in the romance and affection of autumn.

Source: Great Wall Network Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency, Xinhuanet, CCTV News, Visual China, etc.

Responsible editor: Fang Shujing Su Haojun Chen Zhaoyue

Edit: Wu Yunhuan

- END -

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