Why don't you recommend that children under the age of 14 check Helicobacter pylori?

Author:Science fiction Time:2022.08.25

Sci -fi Network August 25 (Liu Yazhu) As we all know, the digestive organs of the human body -stomach is a place where "uninhabited lives". There are more than 500 bacteria in the stomach, of which H. pylori is "resident".

In fact, Helicobacter pylori, as the only microorganisms that can survive in human stomach, are extremely harsh on growth conditions and are a spiral and anaerobic bacteria. Helicobacter pylori is severely leading to gastric cancer, and gastric cancer ranks second in the cause of global cancer death.

Common Helicobacter pylori infections can cause gastritis, digestive ulcers, lymph -proliferative gastric lymphoma. It is common to be full of upper abdomen, discomfort or pain, and sometimes accompanied by other bad symptoms such as abdominal distension and acid reflux. At present, this transmitted infectious germs have been listed as a clear carcinogen.

Conventional Helicobacter pylori testing methods include serum testing, exhalation sampling detection, gastroscopy and gastric mucosa biopsy, and saliva testing. However, experts studying gastric digestion stated that parents are not recommended to bring children under 14 years of age to the hospital to check the Gate screw.

The doctor said that the child's immune force is low. Even after a period of time, the Helicobacter pylori is killed, but if the diet is not paid attention to and the meal is not hygienic, it will be infected again and face greater treatment difficulty.

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