Shanghai has added 3+6 in Shanghai, in these two districts; how to eat a meal to meet the requirements of epidemic prevention?

Author:Xinmin Evening News Time:2022.06.19

Shanghai Health and Health Commission notice this morning

0-24:00 on June 18, 2022

3 cases of new local diagnosis in Shanghai

6 cases of new natives of infection

Among them, 1+6 found in isolation control

Added 6+3 overseas input

Local case situation

At 0-24:00 on June 18, 2022, there were 3 cases of new local new coronary pneumonia. 18 cases were added to the hospital.

Case 1, live in Jing'an District,

It is the city's closed -loop isolation control personnel, during which the test results of the new crown virus nucleic acid were abnormal, and the results of the centers were positive. After consultation with municipal experts, the history of epidemiological diseases, clinical symptoms, laboratory testing and imaging test results, etc., diagnosed as a confirmed case.

Case 2. Case 3, live in Jing'an District,

The test results of the new coronary virus nucleic acid detection were found in the screening of risks, that is, they were isolated control. The result of the review of the Center for Disease Control is positive. After consultation with municipal experts, the history of epidemiological diseases, clinical symptoms, laboratory testing and imaging test results, etc., diagnosed as a confirmed case. (Notified on June 18)

Symptoms of non -symptoms infected

At 0-24:00 on June 18, 2022, there were 6 new natives of infection.

Announced asymptomatic infection 1 -Anymalized infection 4, live in Jing'an District,

Announced asymptomatic infection 5. Announced asymptomatic infection 6, live in Putuo District,

They are all closed -loop management and control personnel in the city. During this time, the test results of the new crown virus nucleic acid were abnormal.

Positive infection information

Jing'an: 3+4

At 0-24:00 on June 18, 2022, 3 cases of new local new coronary pneumonia were added and 4 cases of non-symptoms were added. Two of them were found in the screening of relevant risks (notified on June 18th (notified on June 18th, which has been notified on June 18 ); 1 confirmed case and 4 asymptomatic infections found in closed -loop control and lived in:

Changhua Road 453

Republic New Road No. 1290,

Liuying Road 1065,

Wenxi Road 251.

The implementation of end disinfection measures for related residence has been implemented.

Putuo: 0+2

On June 18, 2022 (0-24 o'clock), there were no new local diagnosis cases in Putuo District, and two new cases of infected infected were added to:

Taopu Road 1028

2060 Tongchuan Road.

The implementation of end disinfection measures for related residence has been implemented.

Since June 1, our city has entered the stage of comprehensive restoration of production and life. In response to the hot issues of citizens' recent epidemic prevention and control, organize and release.


How to clean and disinfect the commonly used items in the work area?


In the working area, the proper way should be selected for commonly used items:

(1) The surface of the personal working items that often contact the keyboard, mouse, telephone, and personal operation table, operation button, etc. can be disinfected with 75%alcohol cotton balls or disinfection wet towels.

(2) For public items such as water -conditioning remote control, photocopy, printer, and tea rooms, microwave ovens, refrigerators and other public items, disinfection wet towels can also be used to wipe and disinfect.

(3) You can use 500mg/LL to disinfect the disinfection of the desk and door handle.

It is recommended to avoid contact with public goods and wash your hands in time after contact.

When collecting courier and takeaway items in the workplace, pay attention:

(1) After wearing a mask and gloves, the outer packaging of the item can be sprayed with disinfection or disinfected wet towels to disinfect, spray disinfection to see the wet or disinfection liquid hanging beads. After disinfection, place it for 10 ~ 30 minutes and then open it.

(2) Carton boxes, packaging bags, etc. should be left outside the door. If scissors, carts and other items are used, it is recommended to spray and disinfect scissors, carts, etc.; after processing, clean your hands in time.


How to eat a meal to meet the prevention requirements of epidemic prevention?


Common dinner meals and concentrated meals of cafeteria. Differential meals are uniformly delivered to the outside, and you should pay attention to non -contact receiving; if you bring your own meals, you should refrigerate it in time. You should choose no contact distribution. When collecting, you should check whether the food is seal or use the "food security seal", and ensure that the outer packaging is effectively disinfected. Employees who dispersed meals should do personal hygiene before meals, clean their hands, try to dine at their respective stations, do not gather, communicate with each other, and shorten the dining time; after the meal, do a good job of cleaning and garbage classification to maintain environmental hygiene.

It is currently not recommended to dine in the cafeteria. As the epidemic prevention and control situation improves, if employees who are concentrated in the cafeteria, you should wash your hands or disinfect with your hand -washed disinfection before taking meals. Sit down after scattered, avoid relative to sitting; except for eating, wearing masks throughout the process, pay attention to cough etiquette; do not communicate during meals, leave the cafeteria as soon as possible after meals.

Xinmin Evening News (XMWB1929) Comprehensive Shanghai Release, Shanghai Health and Health Commission, and district Health and Health Commission

Edit: Shi Yu

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