Epidemic tips: Hand -hygiene is really important!Did you wash it right?

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.08.27

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client August 27th News New Crown Pneumonia's epidemic prevention and control and hand hygiene is really important! Hubei Disease Control reminder: We must "continue to do good hand in hand" with constant change!

The World Health Organization reminds that the correct washing of hands includes "three elements": 1. Rinse with flowing water when washing hands; 2. Use soap or hand -wash solution such as cleaning products; 3. The hand washing time is not less than 20 seconds.

Because the new coronary virus has a lipid envelope, it is difficult to be destroyed by water, and the soap liquid can destroy the virus envelope after a certain period of time, thereby disintegrating the virus. Therefore, to wash your hands for a certain period of time and make full rubbing for not less than 20 seconds.

At the same time, the soap should be kept clean and dry, reducing sharing, and regular cleaning the soap box (frame) to avoid becoming the "cradle" of microorganisms.

The "seven -step washing method" is recommended: 1. Inner: the palm of the palm is opposite, rubbing the fingers together together; 2. Outside: the palm of the palm of the palm of the hand rubbing each other and alternately; Rubbing; 4. Bow: Rub the joints of the fingers of each finger of each finger; 5. Large: hold the other thumb and rub it with one hand, alternately; 7. wrist: scrub wrist, alternately.

Tips for washing your hands: 1. Rub off at least five times for each step; 2. Use professional hand washing solution as much as possible; 3. Use your hands to wash your hands slightly; 4. Use the flowing water and do not use the hand rotating switch water faucet; 5. It is recommended to use a disposable paper towel or a sterilized towel.

(Changjiang Daily reporter Jiang Mengqing Correspondent Ma Lina Zhou Peng)

【Edit: Ding】

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