The core information of the healthy lifestyle promotion month in 2022 is officially released

Author:National health lifestyle acti Time:2022.08.29

On August 29, 2022, the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention held a 2022 health lifestyle promotion month information conference in Beijing to release the "three reduction and three reductions and three reductions of salt, oil reduction, sugar reduction, healthy oral, healthy weight, and healthy bones to the public. "Ken" promotes the core information, advocates light taste, and the life cycle is concerned about "three health". Experts and representatives organized by more than 20 media institutions and related to the society in Beijing attended the meeting.

The meeting was chaired by Wu Jingyan, the person in charge of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and director of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Center. Wu Jingyan first introduced the basic situation and latest progress of the action on behalf of the National Action Office of the National Action of the National Healthy Life. In the past year, the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at this time is of great significance to further popularize the concept of "three reductions and three health" and promote healthy Chinese actions. The actions of the healthy lifestyle of the people focus on the "participation of the whole people", the "action implementation", and the "enhance the sense of gain of the people". Since its launch in 2007, with the active promotion of various places, it has now covered more than 96%of the country's nationwide In the county, more than 80,000 health support environments were built, and more than 800,000 recruiting and training healthy living instructors were recruited and trained. The awareness of a healthy lifestyle is rooted in the people. The proposal of salt reduction, oil reduction, sugar reduction, healthy oral, healthy weight, and healthy bones and health bones and implementation of the implementation of the health lifestyle of the whole people are an important contribution to the construction of a healthy lifestyle of the whole people. Important starting point for health lifestyle.

September 1 this year is the 16th National Healthy Life Day. The National Action Office takes this as an opportunity to lead the national promotional month. The theme of this year's propaganda is: "three minus and three health" healthy, for the "three reductions" to advocate the light taste of the public, control salt oil sugar, propose "daily salt is only 5 grams", "control cooking oil", "food and beverage "Three healthy"; for the "three health", advocate the attention of the whole life cycle, and put forward "twice in the morning and evening, brush your teeth correctly", "body weight, index, waist circumference", "strong bone, love to protect joints". For the above publicity points, the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention organizes scholars and experts from many fields such as public health, clinical medicine, health education, and media communication. Professor Wu Yangfeng, Professor Zhao Dong, Anzhen Hospital, Beijing, Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Researcher Li Jianhong, China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Center, Professor Rong Wensheng, Executive Deputy Secretary -General of the China Dental Disease Control Foundation, and chief expert of Nutrition of China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Researcher Zhao Wenhua and Professor Li Mei Li Mei of Beijing Xiehe Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences conducted professional interpretation of the core information of salt reduction, oil reduction, sugar reduction, healthy oral cavity, health weight, and healthy bones. The release and interpretation of the core information of the "three reductions and three health" publicity provides important tools for the active participation and implementation of the "Healthy China Action (2019-2030)" health knowledge popularization operations, and provide important tools for the participation of health science communication for the majority of media participation Provide basic support for scientific authority.

The meeting also released the specific activities of the healthy lifestyle promotion month. In early September, they focused on children and adolescents, and carried out the promotion of obesity prevention and healthy lifestyles. Salt Zhou focuses on the promotion of "salt reduction" theme; in late September, it focuses on "three health" to carry out the national publicity and health bone special publicity. It is hoped that the power of social organizations and related enterprises and institutions of related academic associations, foundation associations, foundations, and other social organizations, guide the whole society to pay attention to healthy lifestyles, advocate the concept of "everyone who is the first responsible person in their own health", enhance health awareness, enhance the health literacy of the whole people, , Contribute to the construction of healthy China.

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