Shanghai yesterday "0+0", Huangpu District adjusted the "big screen" time this week; Lhasa basically realized the society's clear zero; Chengdu's this round of epidemic was rising rapidly →

Author:Jiefang Daily Time:2022.08.30

Shanghai did not add local confirmed cases yesterday

No new local infected infection

The Shanghai Municipal Health Commission notified this morning (August 29): 0-24, 2022, at 0-24, 2022, there were no new local new coronary pneumonia diagnosis cases and asymptomatic infections. 8 cases of new overseas input new crown pneumonia and 4 asymptomatic infection were found, all found in closed -loop control.

Just now, Huangpu District issued a letter of residents:

Due to the start of school

The screening of the whole region's nucleic acid screening was adjusted to Sunday

This week is designated as 7: 30-9: 30 on September 4th

Provide community citizen nucleic acid sampling services

Implement "Detective Inspection"

Tibet Lhasa: Basically realize the society in the society

Chengdu New Local "134+32"

This round of epidemic is in the rapid rise stage

The Chengdu Health and Health Commission reported on August 29 that at 0-24 on August 28, 134 new local diagnosis cases (8 cases were transferred to the diagnosis of the native non-symptoms in the past), and the new native asymptomatic infection was added 32 cases.

Yesterday, the news office of the Chengdu Municipal People's Government held a press conference on the prevention and control of the epidemic, and reported the latest situation of the confirmed cases and prevention and control measures of new crown pneumonia, and answered questions from reporters.

At the meeting, Chengdu's "August 25th Epidemic" is in a rapid rise, and the social activities of cases are widely rising. It has involved public places in many districts (cities) and counties across Chengdu.

Two swimming places have been associated with multiple cases

According to the press conference, two swimming places in Chengdu's "8 · 25 epidemic" have been associated with multiple cases. Because of the large flow of people in these two places, in order to speed up the investigation, the Emergency Office of the Chengdu Center for Disease Control and Prevention specially reminded that from August 18th to 25th, I visited the Lancu Fitness Hennight Swimming Pavilion (Human Resident Jincheng Fenghui Store ), And citizens who have been to the Water World Water World of the Global Center of the High -tech Zone at 9:00 on the 25th to 22:00 on the 25th may have the risk of exposure.

It is understood that the situation in Chengdu's "August 25th epidemic" situation is very severe, and the epidemic progress has progressed very rapidly. At present, the gene sequencing results that have completed cases are BA.2.76, Omikon's mutant strains, which are the same as that of the epidemic virus strains in many places in many places inside and outside the province. Due to the rapid transmission of the strains, strong infectious power, and hiddenness, the clustering epidemic has been caused in many places across the country.

Fan Shuangfeng, director of the Emergency Office of the Chengdu Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reminded that the people with overlapping the above trajectory were reported to the community immediately. In three days, they received three nucleic acid testing (interval 24 hours). If the citizen sees this notice, it has exceeded the last exposure for 3 days, but if the nucleic acid detection has not been completed, please make up for the number of tests at a frequency of 1 day.

48 -hour nucleic acid negative certificate is required to enter and exit public places

Yang Xiaoguang, deputy secretary -general of the Chengdu Municipal Government and director of the Municipal Health and Health Commission, said that in order to further reduce the risk of epidemic dissemination, from 24:00 on the 28th, enter Chengdu Cultural Entertainment, tourist attractions, sports fitness, business buildings, large -scale commercial supermarkets, education and training, etc. Public places must check 48 -hour nucleic acid negative proof. Call for citizens to consciously implement nucleic acid detection every 48 hours and do a good job of personal health monitoring.

Multiple subway stations in Chengdu temporarily stop transportation

The reporter learned from the Chengdu Metro Operation Company on the 28th that due to the impact of the epidemic of new crown pneumonia, the Chengdu Metro Line 6 Jinshi Road Station and Honghe Station of Line 2 suspended operation services.

"301+1255" in the local area

In these places

At 00-24 on August 28, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 301 new local diagnosis of new crown pneumonia, and 1,255 new local symptoms were added.

(Click to zoom in the picture to see the details)

This article is comprehensive: published in Shanghai, Shanghai Huangpu, Lhasa Rong Media, Chengdu Business Daily, etc.

WeChat Editor: Ta Ni

School pair: Antong

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