Masterpiece of Chinese Medicine | Provincial Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine Wu Wanyi: Anti -cancer, righteousness and eliminating evils

Author:Guangdong Provincial Hospital Time:2022.06.20

Malignant tumors have become the first killer of human beings, so that people often "talk about cancer color changes." However, with the rapid development of modern medical diagnosis and treatment technology, even if suffering from malignant tumors in the middle and advanced periods, many patients can obtain good results and survive with tumors. In China, in addition to many western medical methods such as surgery, chemotherapy, and biological targets, there are also unique Chinese medicine therapy, forming traditional Chinese and Western medicine integrated medicine, making the treatment of tumor higher treatment and better living quality of patients. In this issue, "Life Times" invites Professor Wu Wanzhang, director of the Department of Cancer Department of the Cancer Department of Guangdong Province and the Director of the Department of Cancer Department of Guangdong Province.

Wu Wanyi was born in the home of poor farmers in Anhui Hexian County, and was weak and sick since childhood. Maybe it was a long -term experience of illness. From the first day of entering the medical school gate, Wu Wanzhang set up his ambition to "not be good, be a good doctor". After graduating from college in 1986, he was assigned to the affiliated hospital of Bengbu Medical College. Since then, he has successively conducted a master's degree and doctoral study at the Longhua Hospital of Shanghai Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Cancer Hospital of Shanghai Medical University. After graduating from a PhD in 1997, he went south to Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and became the first researcher at the school's first postdoctoral mobile station. During the long medical study, Wu Wanzhang across multiple clinical specialties, followed a number of famous medical teachers, and received their careful guidance and teachings. The teacher learned the academic thoughts of gallbladder disease and nourishing yin and tender liver from the nation's famous Chinese medicine medicine. The general idea of ​​syndrome "syndrome differentiation" and "disease differentiation" to treat tumors. This laid the foundation for Wu Wanzhang's later "syndromes+disease identification+symptomatic" to treat tumors.

Wu Wanzhang believes that the main method of modern medical treatment of malignant tumors is surgery, chemotherapy, intervention, targeted drug treatment and immunotherapy. Although each treatment method has its own advantages, it cannot adapt to all patients. Wu Wanzhang has always led the team to learn and practice the academic thoughts of traditional Chinese medicine supplement and replace modern medicine therapy for tumor, and promote the role of Chinese medicine to supplement and alternative the treatment of modern medicine treatment. Tumors get relatively high quality of life.

Talking about tumor treatment, Wu Wanzhang used Chinese chess as a metaphor: car and horse guns are the most powerful chess pieces in chess, just like surgery and chemotherapy in modern medicine, the main offensive means. However, if you only rely on these chess pieces, "hurt the enemy a thousand and damage 800". Excellent chess players often can rationally mobilize all chess pieces, both offensive and defensive. For example, the elephant or even small strokes, like Chinese medicine therapy in tumor treatment. When they cooperate with the mainstream treatment of Western medicine, conduct collaborative operations, apply multi -disciplinary overall thinking, and face the appropriate treatment methods in different patients is the most critical success. road.

In the process of treating tumors in the clinical treatment of Chinese medicine, Wu Wanzhang mainly adopted the "disease + dialectical + symptomatic" method, that is, "the disease -based, the testimony is the combination of the disease, and the symptomatic symptomatic." In response to tumor disease, he emphasized that he should first distinguish the disease. Only after the establishment of the disease (tumor) diagnosis, staging and related treatment background can he establish specific evidence and the symptoms of patients through the "Four Diagnosis". Wu Wanzhang said that the discerning of the disease was not the first of the modern people. As early as the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Zhongjing proposed "discern, syndrome differentiation, and symptomatic" (symptomatic and symptomatic ". Limited to the diagnostic conditions at that time, the understanding of the disease name can only reach the level of symptoms (such as edema, cough, etc.), and then establish certification classification based on the pulse of the disease, and finally establish treatment. Therefore, Zhang Zhongjing's healing of the "medical sacred" is based on the "disease" as the outline, and then the treatment is determined. Wu Wanzhang often said that contemporary Chinese medicine treatment of disease must not only stay at the symptoms. It must be combined with the diagnosis of modern medicine to rise to the level of pathology, genes, and protein.

Wu Wanzhang's establishment of a righteous anti -cancer prescription for the treatment of lung cancer is based on the academic wisdom of many famous teachers, and combined with his own Chinese and Western doctors to "tailor". First of all, he advocates the academic thoughts of "the spleen is the essence of the day after tomorrow, and the source of qi and blood biochemistry", "there is stomach qi, and the stomach qi is dead". Considering the relationship between the five elements between the five elements between the spleen and the lungs, the lung disease must spleen the spleen. The lungs are the same. In terms of syndrome differentiation, the anti -cancer prescription adopts the astragalus, prince, atractylodes, barley and licorice of the spleen and lungs; in terms of diseased treatment, the prescription contains a variety of anti -cancer Chinese medicines, such as mountains mushrooms, white flowers snake tongue, and crooked grass. Dragon sunflower, Shi Jianyou, August Zha, snake bubble (pronunciation is lè), and Curcuma, etc.; The combination of disease disciral and dialectical, correcting and eliminating evil, the focus of "righteousness" is to cultivate soil gold, nourish the spleen and nourish the lungs, and benefit the lungs. , "Evil Evil" pays attention to clearing heat and detoxifying, removing stasis and dispersing knots. Clinically, specific symptoms are used for each patient's respective symptoms.

Wu Wanzhang said that dialectical, disease -based, and symptomatic treatment of tumors are a dynamic process, not static. The clinical clinical clinic should adjust the prescriptions at any time according to the specific diseases, pathology, genetic status, and the acceptance of western medicine treatment methods and reactions.

Source: Life Times

Special reporter: Li Bang Mei Zhou Yuyu

Executive editor: Wu Yuan Tuan

Audit school pair: Zhuang Yingge

Editor in charge: Song Liping

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