One person infected the whole family and suffered?Experts said that the whole family should be tested. When anxiety, it is also recommended to investigate the P.

Author:Shenzhen Evening News Time:2022.06.20

Helicobacter pylori (referred to as "HP") infection has always been a disease with a high degree of attention in recent years. It has been listed as a type of carcinogen by the World Health Organization. More than 70%of gastric cancer occurs related to it. Recently, Hangzhou 63 -year -old Aunt Huang was also infected with her son and daughter -in -law because of her positive infection of H. pylori.

Regarding HP infection, Professor Li Jingnan, chief physician of the Department of Gastroenterology, Beijing Academy of Medical Sciences, said that if someone is infected with Heliculobacteria in the family members, it is recommended that other members also check it. In addition, psychological anxiety and tension will cause damage to the gastric mucosa. When tension and anxiety change or feel stressful, everyone should also pay attention to detecting Helicobacter pylori.

One person HP infection, the whole family should check

HP infection is a kind of bacteria parasitic that can damage gastric mucosa in the gastrointestinal. It is listed as a type of carcinogen by the World Health Organization. Compared to people who do not infected HP, the risk of gastric cancer who continue to infect HP in 10 years is high 5.9 times. HP infection is currently the most important controllable risk factor for preventing gastric cancer. Recently, family flow data shows that at least one family member of 64.6%of families in China has pylori infections. Helicobacter pylori prevention should be carried out in family.

Regarding HP infection, Professor Li Jingnan, chief physician of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Beijing Union Hospital, said that if someone is infected with Heliculobacteria in the family members, it is recommended that other members also check it.

A survey of family conditions of patients with pylori infection of Helicobacter pylori found that there was a person infected by a person in the family, and the infection rate of other members in the family was 62.96%, the parents were not infected, the child infection rate was 24%, the parents were infected, and the child infection rate was 69.34 %. Children's period is a high -risk age of Helicobacter pylori infection. Studies have shown that the infection rate of children under 3 years of age has reached 24.6%, and the infection rate of 12 years is close to the peak infection.

Helicobacter pylori infection rate is also related to age. The infection rate of Helicobacter pylori of 25 -year -old young people is close to 50%, the infection rate of 35 -year -old people is> 60%, and the infection rate of elderly people over 70 years old reaches 80%.

When you feel anxious, you should also detect HP

"When there is nervous and anxious emotional changes or feel stressful, everyone should also pay attention to detect Helicobacter pylori." Professor Li Jingnan pointed out that psychological anxiety and tension will cause damage to the gastric mucosa. On the other hand, HP infection will also cause gastrointestinal and intestines Diamond mucosa damage, so if you are infected with HP infection in the case of nervousness, you will be superimposed with dual risk factors to increase the damage of the gastric mucosa.

"Studies on the National Popular disease survey found that stress and tension and anxiety are the main causes of erosive gastritis, accounting for more than 30%, which is similar to the impact of smoking and drinking." Professor Li Jingnan said In the pathogenic factor, his team had conducted special research and found that 90.6%of chronic gastritis with erosion patients were accompanied by greater pressure and anxiety and depression.

Studies have shown that 80%-95%of patients with chronic activity gastritis have HP infection, and HP infection is also related to mental tension and anxiety.

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How to detect HP infection?

There are 3 ways to detect HP infection:

1. Exile test: The accuracy of the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection exceeds 95%. You need to register at the hospital for digestive medicine. For more than 6-8 hours of an empty stomach, after the blow is retained, orally contains 13C or 14C urea capsules. After half an hour, it will exhale again. It takes at least half a day to take a clinic.

2. Gastroscopy: Not only can you check whether there are H. pylori infections, but also diagnose gastric lesions and its severity. Gastroscopy is an invasive examination. It needs to be checked and evaluated before surgery. Most people choose the gastroscopy under the anesthesia of the whole body to reduce the pain. Generally, it is necessary to go to the hospital at least twice, and the time to make an appointment for gastroscopy takes weeks to several months.

3. Stool detection: It is a positive method to check whether the feces are sampled to check whether the pylori antigen antigen is positive. The feces antigen detection is one of the most direct and effective detection methods at present. It has widely recommended the domestic international medical guide and consensus, and the accuracy is similar to the gold standard exhalation test.

At present, the State Drug Administration has approved the first pylori testing product for "consumer self -testing" to detect the gloomy pipe of the "consumer self -test" to achieve the one -way design of the sampling and detection of the "pregnancy test stick". The empty stomach has no special requirements for the sample collection. It can be tested at home. After the samples, the results can be read in 10 minutes. "Two bars" are positive and "one bar" is negative.

Shenzhen Evening News reporter Zhou Qian

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