Tai'an City Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Industry Chain Class to Linyi and Xuzhou to carry out "on -site investment"

Author:Qilu.com Time:2022.06.21

Qilu.com · Lightning News, June 21st, in order to accelerate the development of the medical and medical device industry, actively attracted relevant projects to land in Tai'an. Recently, Jiang Yongbin, deputy director of the Tai'an Municipal People's Congress and chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, and a municipal pharmaceutical and medical device industry chain. The team went to Linyi and Xuzhou to carry out the "on -site investment promotion" activities, inspect and docking related enterprises, and negotiate project cooperation.

In Linyi, the inspection team visited the Lunan Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. and Luo Xin Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd., and had a discussion and exchange with the company's main person in charge. Commissioner Jiang Yongbin introduced the current status and development planning of the medical and medical device industry in Tai'an, and negotiated the projects such as the transfer of the production capacity of the raw materials and the planting and processing of traditional Chinese medicine.

In Xuzhou, the main person in charge of the inspection team and the Smart Yunxia Cloud Service Center conducted negotiation and docking Essence The inspection and docking companies have stated that they have recently invested in Tai'an.

In the next step, the special class of the Tai'an City Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Industry Chain will seize the follow -up and docking of the project, accelerate the promotion of project negotiations, and strive to land as soon as possible.

Lightning journalist Wang Xun correspondent Liu Hao Tai'an report

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