Science and technology "top student" won the "first prize" of the province

Author:Weihai News Network Time:2022.06.22

Wearing a red ribbon, standing on the podium of the province's science and technology innovation conference, from the provincial leaders, the red "Shandong Provincial Science and Technology Progress First Prize" certificate ... At 9 am on June 22, in the province's vast number of science and technology in the province Under the witness of the worker, Miao Huaming, director of the Scientific Research Center of Di Jia Pharmaceutical Group, as the only representative of Weihai, and accepted the scientific and technological innovation commendation of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government.

Weihai was awarded the first prize of the “special chemicals and preparation industrialization and common technological innovation and production system construction of the first prize of scientific and technological progress in science and technology progress in 2021.” is a comprehensive scientific and technological achievement. Time accumulates.

"The moment the company received honor was very excited. After listening to the sharing of the highest prize winner and the speech of the provincial leaders, I felt that the responsibility was heavier. As a scientist of the company, we also had to impact on a higher peak of science and technology. After the conference, Miao Huaming was in the mood to the reporter for the first time.

Enterprises to engage in scientific research on the front line are a process of continuously surpassing themselves in industrial combat, but also the process of breaking through the technology of stuck neck. "Discover problems while producing, overcome difficulties, and research and development technologies. It can be said that each of the innovative technologies in the eight segments directly solve the pain points in the process of drug production." Talking about this award -winning technology, Miao Miao, Miao Huaming Rulai: "For example, advanced biological enzyme catalysis technology solves the pollution caused by the original chemical synthesis; the circulation technology has achieved the maximum extent of waste, forming a large cycle of the entire process of drug production; comprehensive online control technology, greatly improved After the quality of the drug, the impurities rate can be reduced to less than five in 10,000 ... "In the new stage of pursuing green production and energy saving and consumption reduction, this innovation undoubtedly opened the green door of traditional pharmaceutical companies, which is of great significance.

Behind everyone's invisible, this "provincial first -class" is not easy. There are companies behind this, and the persistence of innovation, and a group of scientific researchers' silent adherence to quality and responsibility.

Miao Huaming said that in the most critical years of project research and development, it is also an important period for the implementation of national consistency evaluation superimposed drugs. In the industry's environment, the profit margin of enterprises is inevitably affected, but it has never reduced the investment in innovative research and development of a penny. "The country's policy is to force the enterprise to improve the quality and control costs. To achieve these two points, innovation is the only way out." Miao Huaming said, "In the past two years, the company has continued to expand technological innovation investment and take out 100 million yuan each year. Funding for scientific and technological innovation. With such support, all we can do is to study it seriously. "

Scientific and technological innovation is a collaboration of funds and talents. There are 12 project teams who have been awarded the first prize of the provincial prize this time, including 6 doctors, including Miao Huaming, many of them have taken root in this industry for more than ten years. Among them, many people walked out of the school gate and directly entered the enterprise, because professional counterpart chose Weihai, and because the career platform stayed in Weihai, from a "foreign introduction talent" to authentic Weihai people.

When I walked out of the conference hall, a sentence mentioned at the meeting was always lingering in Miao Huaming's mind: "The key core technology is to come, buy or discuss. This is also the original intention of our scientific research, When you are young, put the quality of the product, and when you go, let our domestic drug waist rods straight and straight! "

There was no told teacher to talk to the masses. He did not share the scene photos as soon as possible. In the face of honor, the "celebration" method of this group of scientific researchers was low -key. On the same day, Miao Huaming did not rush back to Weihai, but went to the research institute in Jinan as soon as possible for business docking. "Next, what we have to do is continue to be deep, fine, and dig, and make meticulous research on key technologies. Two to three key core technologies in the industry make the industry's top in the industry. "Miao Huaming hurried, his goal was firm. (Hi Weihai client reporter Sun Shichao/text map)

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