Don't drink it like this!

Author:China Consumer News Time:2022.06.23

As the temperature gradually rises, beer has entered the peak consumption season. Night markets, stalls, and taverns are indispensable for beer. Recently, the Jiangxi Provincial Market Supervision Bureau issued consumption tips on beer.

Beer is a malt and water as the main raw material, adding beer (including hiva products), and is made of yeast fermented, carbon dioxide, foam, low alcohol -based fermentation wine. Beer is also rich in nutrients such as vitamins, amino acids, phenol, and mineral elements.

There are diverse ways of beer classification. The first is to be divided into cooked beer and fresh beer according to disinfection. Cooked beer refers to the beer that passes through Pakistani or instantaneous high -temperature sterilization, which is a common bottle or canned beer in life. Fresh beer generally does not pass Pakistan sterilization or instantaneous high -temperature sterilization, such as pure beer, tie beer , Purple. The second is according to the production process, including black beer, dried beer, ice beer, whole malt beer, head wheat beer, low alcohol beer, etc. Third, according to the concentration of raw wheat juice, there are low concentration beer (2.5%of the raw wheat juice concentration of 2.5%), medium concentration beer (raw wheat juice concentration 11%-14%), high concentration beer (original wheat juice concentration 14%) --20%).

The degree of beer and the degree of liquor are not the same thing. Consumers should pay attention to distinguish when buying. Consumers who often contact beer may notice that the beer bottle is marked with "malt" (° P, Plato) instead of alcohol accuracy (%VOL). Malton is the concentration of the raw wheat juice, which can be fermented sugar content before measuring alcohol fermentation. Generally speaking, the higher the concentration of wheat juice, the higher the alcoholic content, and the more "fragrant" the beer tastes.

"Chinese Resident Dietary Guide (2022)" recommends that adults' drinking volume a day is equivalent to not more than 15g of alcohol; those with special groups such as alcohol allergies are taking drugs that may work with alcohol. Those who are estermia, pancreatitis, liver disease, etc.), those with high uric acid should control drinking; children, adolescents, and pregnant women should ban alcohol.

In addition, many people think that "drinking beer is easy to grow beer belly." In fact, the key to "beer belly" is unreasonable eating habits, lack of exercise and other metabolism, endocrine, and other issues. Beer contains alcohol, the energy is not low, and it is easy to consume excess calories in a large amount of drinking, and then the formation of beer belly "adds bricks". Consumers can throw off the beer belly by changing unhealthy life and diet habits.

Don't drink iced beer too much. Frozen can decompose and free the protein in beer, and the nutrients are damaged. Excessive drinking ice beer will cause the gastrointestinal temperature to drop rapidly and affect digestive function.

Produced by Chinese Consumer Newspaper New Media Editorial Department

Source/China Consumer News · China Consumer Network

Author/Xiong Yan Zhu Hai


Supervision/He Yongpeng Ren Zhenyu

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