Academician Chen Xiaoping, Martin, and Hitang Chun dialogue with Tongji students, "young people must be brave to take root in grassroots medical services"

Author:Wuhan Evening News Time:2022.06.23

Wuhan Evening News, June 23, the chief of the academic system and the level of academic work. What kind of growth path is studying medicine, obsession, medicine, and medicine? On the afternoon of June 22, Academician Chen Xiaoping Health Popular Science Studio of Wuhan Medical Society walked into Tongji Medical College. Chen Xiaoping, Martin, and Ji Tangchun three academicians on the spot to see the fog of Tongji students and pointed out.

Event site. Photo by reporter Ke Zhigang

Only hard work will have a flash of light

At the event site, Academician Chen Xiaoping took the lead in sharing the presence of the president of the Wuhan Medical Association, Qiu Fazu, Wu Zaide's self -reliance, self -discipline, and the great love of the people who served the people wholeheartedly.

"Qiu Lao once said that if you are contentment, do not know enough about doing things, and do not satisfy in learning. Do n’t just put them in your mind. You must practice it, which will be helpful to your life and career. Academician Chen Xiaoping pushed his heart.

Event site. Photo by reporter Ke Zhigang

Some graduates asked Academician Martin how to make career planning? Academician Ma takes himself as an example. "I have worked as a carpenter and worked as a car repairman. Now I have been a surgeon. I like weapons, aviation, and ship knowledge. Persevere, it may be 40 or fifty years, I hope you can all succeed. "

Young people have the courage to go to the grassroots to do medical services

Faced with the general choice of medical students who stayed in large cities after the study and research, Chen Jianguo, vice president of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, secretary of the party committee of Tongji Medical College, and Academician Jiutangchun, also mentioned the "grassroots" to take root. People suffer.

Academician Xitangchun warned students to "go to campus, look around, go to the grassroots to observe, write more and more ways to change the national policy standards, and be a good article that can be used by the people."

Event site. Photo by reporter Ke Zhigang

The students at the scene stated that the academician's hard -working and well -dedicated academic spirit was admirable, and it deepened their understanding of "Li Dazhi, Ming Dade, Chengda Cai, and Dalisman".

According to reports, this event is the first stop of the "Healthy I" series of Academician Health Popular Science Studio of Chen Xiaoping Health Popularization Studio. In order to give full play to the role of "scientist spirit", Chen Xiaoping's first mobile studio in Health Popularization Studio settled in Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology to extend the health science science education to medical universities through the "arm" of the "arm". All people's health empowerment.

(Reporter Chen Xin Deng Jing Correspondent Lin Jinguo Li Yaqi)

[Edit: Yu Lina]

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