The 6 most hurting liver, the first one is still regarded as a treasure

Author:Health circle Time:2022.06.24

Hunan Satellite TV host Wu Xin once dazzled more than ten kinds of health products in reality shows, grape seeds, eye protection pills, vitamins, fish oil, whitening oral liquids ... make netizens joking her as "healthy cadres".

However, doctors pointed out that eating in this way is not only not healthy, but will damage the liver.

In fact, there are cases of liver injury caused by eating too much health products, so I take vitamins as an example:

People's Daily has reported that in order to improve immunity, Mr. Chen, 53, took 8 vitamins a day and ate liver failure one by one.


Health care products

Injury to the liver

Health products that should have health and fitness will actually hurt the liver. Why?

Cheng Zhangjun, deputy director of the Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Center of Southeast University, pointed out that many toxic components of health products or medicines need to be treated with liver treatment. Therefore, if you take too much, you will have a burden on the liver.

There are two reasons for taking health care products.

One is to take too much, either like Wu Xin, eat a variety of health products every day, or like Mr. Chen, eat too much health products;

The other is that health products contain certain ingredients, which have a direct toxic effect on the liver. The larger the dose, the longer the use time, the deeper the liver damage.

Just in 2019, the top -level journal "Gastrointestinal Diseases" in the field of digestion has released a study, which includes a total of 25,927 drug -based liver injury patients in 30 hospitals in my country analyzing the cause. The results show that:

The main causes of more than 20,000 patients with liver injury are actually taking health products and Chinese herbal medicines, and the proportion is as high as 26.81%.

In other words, one of the patients with liver injury is caused by health products or Chinese herbal medicines.

Health products/Chinese herbal medicines may hurt the liver

In fact, most of the nutrients needed by the human body can be taken in daily diet. As long as we have a reasonable diet, regular work, and regular exercise, we do not need to eat so many health products without lack of certain elements.


These five habits

Still the liver

The liver is known as an ergonomic factory. It carrys important missions of material conversion, energy metabolism, and detoxification. It must not only purify 6-8 liters of blood every day, but also produce 600-1000 ml bile.

But the powerful it is also a sensitive organs. Many of the habits that seem to be insignificant may cause inflammation of the liver.

Continuous liver injury will stimulate the hyperplasia of liver fiber tissue. In the long run, it will cause liver cirrhosis, liver failure, and severely develop to liver cancer.

In addition to eating health products blindly, there are many small habits that hurt the liver. You are stepping on the thunder every day without knowing it.

1. Stay up late overtime

Under the blessings of 996 and 007 today, many people are common to stay up late to work overtime.

But in fact, after the overload work, the fatigue we feel is that the cell is reminding you that it should be rest. At this time, cells will continue to produce a large amount of metabolic waste and transport them to the liver.

When staying up late, the liver is also working overtime

In other words, when we work hard for a long time, our liver is actually working overtime without intermittently.

Therefore, after work, we must also give ourselves a bit of gasp, pay attention to the combination of work and rest, give ourselves, and give the liver a fake.

2. Smoking, drinking

As we all know, drinking can hurt the liver, but few people know that smoking can also hurt the liver.

Studies have shown that long -term smoking is one of the important causes of cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Toxic substances in tobacco not only need to work overtime and metabolize through the liver, but also cause hypoxia and ischemia of the liver, and have toxic effects on the liver, which will cause and aggravate the liver's inflammation and fibrosis.

Therefore, it is not for the sake of the liver, just for the liver, and the smoking quit operation is imminent.

3. Indifferent hepatitis virus

Hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus can lead to chronic liver disease, and then develop liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Hepatitis virus can cause chronic liver disease

It is worth mentioning that the liver is a very "tolerant" organ, and the early onset of early occurrences often does not have obvious manifestations. As a result, more than 70 % of patients have missed the best surgical timing when they find liver cancer.

According to data in 2019, about 1.4 million people in the world die from hepatitis B and hepatitis C and liver cancer. There are about 86 million hepatitis B carriers in my country, and 10 million hepatitis C carriers.

Therefore, people who clarify hepatitis virus infections must regularly check liver function, find abnormal medical treatment in time, and standardize treatment.

In addition, healthy people must also vaccinate vaccines, avoid contact with other people's blood, and ensure safety sex to prevent infection.

4. Eat moldy food

According to reports, Fusui County, Guangxi is a severe pollution area for glocrats. Residents who often eat moldy corn are dangerous for liver cancer 4.3 times that of ordinary residents.

After the food is moldy, it will produce chloroplastin. It is a toxic liver cancer, which can cause cell errors to repair DNA and induce DNA to mutate. Even if the mold is removed, there may still be a large number of pinealine.

Therefore, if the food is mildew, it must be thrown away; foods that are prone to mildew, such as corn and peanuts, do not store too much.

5. Eat high -oil and high sugar foods often

Long -term high -oil and high -sugar diet will produce excess fat, accumulated in the liver tissue, make the liver swelling and fat, forming fatty liver.

And fatty liver is the first step in liver disease. Most fatty liver often develops into hepatitis and cirrhosis.Therefore, food and vegetables should be paid to food and vegetables in daily diet, eat less sugar, and eat more vegetables and fruits.

The strong and capable and tolerable liver actually requires everyone's careful care. It hurts it. If you can do it.


[1] Zhou Tao. If you want to protect the liver, don't do these 9 things [J]. Healthy House, 2020 (07): 52-63.

[2] Zhang Lisheng, Huang Zhenyang, Liang Qianwang, Wei Jinyu, Liu Zonghe, Mo Zhichun, Ye Yanzheng, Meng Guiren. Copycin viper B_1 and Fusui liver cancer research [J]. Journal of Guangxi Medical College, 1990 (1990 (03): 12-16.

Author: 编 | Edit: Bu Guli Xiaoxue | Review: Lao Bai

Picture source network, Pixabay picture network, infringement deletion.

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