Shanghai yesterday added "2+2" in Japan, and Jing'an and Fengxian each added a new place for medium -to -place

Author:Shanghai Judicial Bureau Time:2022.06.27

The Municipal Health and Health Commission notified this morning (June 27): At 0-24, June 26, 2022, 2 cases of new local new coronary pneumonia were added and 2 cases of non -symptoms were added, of which 2 of the confirmed cases were in isolation and control. Discover.

Local case situation

At 0-24:00 on June 26, 2022, 2 cases of new local new coronary pneumonia were added. 4 cases were cured.

Case 1. Case 2, live in Jing'an District,

They are all closed -loop management and control staff in the city. During this time, the results of the new crown virus nucleic acid test results are abnormal, and the results of the review of the disease control center are positive. After consultation with municipal experts, the history of epidemiological diseases, clinical symptoms, laboratory testing and imaging test results, etc., diagnosed as a confirmed case.

Symptoms of non -symptoms infected

At 0-24:00 on June 26, 2022, two symptoms of infection were added.

Announced asymptomatic infection 1, live in Jing'an District,

Announced asymptomatic infection 2, live in Fengxian District,

The test results of the new coronary virus nucleic acid detection were found in the screening of risks, that is, they were isolated control. The results of the centers of the Center for Disease Control are positive and diagnosed as asymptomatic infections. (Notified on June 26)

According to the current situation and relevant regulations of the city, after research and decision of the Office of the Leading Group of the New Crown Pneumonia Extraction Work, some areas of Meiyuan Village, Jinhui Town, Fengxian District (east to Hangtang Port, West to Hangtang Highway, south to south to the south to the south, from to south to the south, to the south, to the south, to the south, to the south, to the south, to the south, to the south to the south, The nine groups of Meiyuan in the small row of rows of Meiyuan, north to Pudong/Fengxian River), and Xixian North Road, Xijiang Road Street, Xijiang Road, Jing'an District, listed as a medium-risk area.

According to the relevant requirements of the State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism, after research and decision by the Office of the Leading Group for the Prevention and Control Work of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemia, starting from 00:00 on June 27, 2022, the 2100 2100 in Siping Road, Wujiaochang Street, Yangpu District to low -risk areas.

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