Wuhan First Hospital Construction of the "Six Cleansing and Five Goods" Hospital of Qinglian Hospital, continuously enhances the masses to seek medical treatment

Author:Wuhan Evening News Time:2022.06.29

At the July 1 Commendation and Cultural Cultural Cultural Activity of Wuhan First Hospital, the representative of the "most beautiful medical person" and all medical workers jointly launch a clearing declaration.

Qing is blood; integrity is the foundation. The construction of Qinglian Hospital is related to the personal interests of the people. On the eve of July 1st, Wuhan First Hospital (Wuhan Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital) was in the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party and the 95th anniversary of the establishment of the hospital. Outstanding party workers, outstanding Communist Party members, and "the most beautiful medical person in the third session of the Qinglian Hospital", awarded the comrades for the "Glory of 50 Years".

This is the requirements of the hospital's party building in a comprehensive implementation of public hospitals, promoting the construction of party style and clean government and the construction of clean and honest hospitals, playing a typical demonstration and leading role, creating a clean and clean atmosphere in the hospital, building a clear medical service environment, and continuing to deepen " Another move for the establishment of the most warm hospital in Jiangcheng.

"The heart of worshiping integrity, fear of the party's discipline and the law, and engraved the oath of the doctor with the beginning of the heart of Ru Pan; the position of integrity, promoting the righteousness of the righteousness, and the use of loyalty to maintain the political nature of politics; . "On the afternoon of June 28, at the seventh one commendation and clean government cultural activity scene in Wuhan First Hospital" Qingfeng, Clean Charming Mirror Culture Mirror Causeway ", 13" most beautiful doctors "represent thousands of hospitals in the hospital. The breeze declaration issued by the workers rang through the audience, and the atmosphere of the scene was instantly pushed to a climax.

■ Pass the warm background with the beginning of integrity

"Focusing on the construction of clean and honest Hubei and Qinglian Wuhan, we combined with 24 specific work content, we proposed the work goals of the work goals of 'six Qing" of the hospital Focusing on creating 'Five Goods' Hospital of Wuhan First Hospital, the party committee secretary and dean of Wuhan First Hospital, said, in clean integrity During the construction of the hospital, the hospital party committee of the hospital always adhered to the concept of people's supremacy and life first, adhered to people's health as the center, comprehensively strengthened the construction of party style and clean government and the construction of medical ethics and medical style. Multiple dimensions such as engineering project supervision have carried out special actions.

At the same time, we will continue to focus on the three -year improvement action plan for the establishment of the "Jiangcheng Most Warm Hospital" service brand, further deepen the creation of the results, and continue to improve the medical experience of patients. In the first half of 2022, the hospital was awarded the first batch of old -age medical institutions in Hubei Province and demonstration sites for the first batch of medical security designated medical institutions.

"A series of warm service measures allow the warm background of integrity, which fully demonstrates the public welfare of public hospitals." Wei Li said that the city's First Hospital led high -quality party building, deeply integrated the party building work with the medical business, and coordinated the space. Layout, discipline construction, talent echelon, scientific research and teaching and other tasks, we will strive to run out of the acceleration of high -quality development of modern hospitals. Since the beginning of this year, the Party Committee of the Hospital has widely launched a "medical+n" co -construction of party building, and the construction of "lower grassroots, inspecting the people, relieving the people, warming the people, warming the people" of the "most warm hospital" service brand will be improved in three years. The action is closely combined to guide the employees of the hospital to practice the "Nine Guidelines for the Integrity of Medical Institutions", and the integrity of the "restricted area", "red line" and "bottom line" from the medical institution, and further form a joint force.

The hospital party committee awarded a commemorative medal and presented flowers for the old party member of the "Glory of Glory in the Party 50 Years".

Every party member is a banner. On the 101st anniversary of the founding of the party and the 95th anniversary of the establishment of the party, the first of the municipal hospitals concentratedly recognized a group of first models at all levels that have emerged in the hospital in recent years, and awarded the commemorative medal to the old comrades of the "Glory of 50 Years". They fulfill their duties and do their responsibilities, and concentrate their political character who are loyal and firm in the party. They are excellent representatives of more than 3,300 party members and cadres and employees in the hospital, and have made an example for the construction of the "Six Clear and Five Goods" clean and honest hospitals. "We nourish the original mission of the original heart with the source of spirit, and continue the red blood veins with actual actions. While writing a new chapter in the high -quality development of the hospital's" Fourteen Five -Year Plan ", we continuously improve the sense of obtaining the people's medical treatment and happiness." Wei Li said.

At the scene of the July 1st commendation and clean government cultural activities, the relevant person in charge of the Wuhan Health Commission pointed out that the Party Committee of the First Hospital of the Municipal First Hospital runs through the construction of a clean and honest culture to the construction of Qinglian Hospital. The construction of the cleanliness hospital is closely integrated and the common management is not only in line with the background of the current era, but also in line with the requirements of the hospital's development, and it is more in line with the health needs of the masses. It is hoped that the city's First Hospital will be innovative, reality, and distinctive in the construction of Qinglian Hospital, which will become a benchmark for the construction of clean hospitals in the industry.

■ "Being a doctor, technology is important, the original intention is more important!"

At the event, Huang Xiaolong, a model of medical and morality in Hubei Province, was commended as an advanced typical representative. The representative of the "Qinglian Hospital · The Third Most Beautiful Medical Doctor" shared their original minds of "medical mind to the party sincerely for the people".

From the Western Medicine Championship, Outstanding Youth, and Technical Expert in the Wuhan Professional Skills Contest, to the Model of the May 1 Labor Medal of Hubei Province, and the medical ethics model, from the age of 20 years, Huang Xiaolong, the attending physician of the Department of breathing and critical medicine in Wuhan First Hospital Young honor. The gold cup and silver cup are not as good as the people's reputation. In his opinion, the original intention of the doctor is in the patient, and the treatment of disease and saving people is a duty.

"Many patients said that before the treatment was started, it was half of the disease when I saw me!" Huang Xiaolong said that the most proud of himself is that the patients who have seen in his hands have become hardcores. fan. One night, Grandpa Sun, who was over 80 years old, was acute and difficulty in breathing due to chronic obstruction. He explained that his wife must take him to Wuhan First Hospital, and he believed that Dr. Huang could save him! Later, Grandpa Sun was sent to the hospital by 120 first aid cars. After rescue and treatment, Grandpa Sun and his wife who were discharged from the hospital after 12 days later sent Jinqi, saying "Dr. Huang is a person who can entrust my life!" Gao Shan is currently performing foreign aid mission in Algeria. Through the video connection, colleagues learned that she worked in Africa and could not help but stretch out her thumb to like her. "It is my wish to relieve the pain for more people." Gao Shan, who was born in a Chinese medicine family, said that he had heard his eyes since he was a child.

Gao Shan admits that after coming to Algeria, the most surprising thing about her is that the patients here have a high acceptance of Chinese medicine acupuncture, and this originated from China's first foreign medical team in 1963 to assist in China. Medical seeds. "The benevolence and fearlessness of spreading Chinese medicalists in the distant Africa, using practical actions to interpret the" one medical spirit ', is extremely proud! "She said that as a doctor, you must first have a heart love, and then continue to hone the superb exquisiteness Technology to benefit patients. As a party member, he should also inherit and promote the older generation of medical ethics, and deserves the responsibility and responsibility of medical workers.

"The most beautiful doctor" represents Yang Lin (middle) and Luo Dong (right) shared their minds of their medical hearts to the party's sincerity for the people.

Being a good doctor was the original intention of Yang Lin, the attending physician of the Department of Gastroenterology, and he had always regarded this as his goal for 17 years. He led the team to take the lead in carrying out early diagnosis and early treatment of digestive tract tumors in the province, and used digestive tract endoscopy for minimally invasive treatment of early cancer, so that patients did not open the sword, suffered small pain, and cured quickly. Mirror full -layer resection allows endoscopic technology.

This year, Yang Lin applied to participate in the aid medical team of Tibet, and was about to set off to the Zhaolo County People's Hospital of Shannan City, Tibet. He hoped to use his professional technology to contribute to the health of the people in the Tibetan area. He said that he found a case of early cancer, saving a life, and a happy family. I hope to use the technique of benevolence and the technique of refining and benefit to light up the light of life.

"Doctors have no technology and have to be responsible." Luo Dong, head of the hospital's thoracic surgery, has been diagnosed with a 69 -year -old patient with advanced lung cancer patients. The tumor grows to 9.5 cm. Essence The patient's desire to survive was very strong. He said to Luo Dong, "We are a family who lost independence, and my wife and I will give your life to you!" Hearing this sentence, Luo Dong touched it. After fully communicating with the patient, he decided to surgery as soon as possible. The surgery was successful and the patient recovered quickly. On the day of discharge, the patient had to give him a red envelope: "I have medical insurance, and the country has helped me pay a lot of money. I didn't spend much money in the hospital." Luo Dong rejected him: "I have salary and performance. My reasonable income, I have no reason to collect your money. "

"As a doctor, saving the life of patients is my greatest happiness, and patients' trust in me is an infinite force." Luo Dong said that when a doctor, the technology is important. Righteousness, with very much love, a love to cure diseases and warm patients.

■ Taking "Causeway" as a mirror, cleanliness should start with youth

How to eliminate the unhealthy winds of drugs and equipment consumables, medical service links, and medical service specifications, etc., and solve the people's difficulty in seeing a doctor and expensive illness, is the significance of implementing the construction of a clean hospital.

Wuhan First Hospital has always put patients with a sense of gain. As early as 2007, the First Hospital of Wuhan City used information technology to monitor and automatically intercepts in real -time monitoring and automatic interception of unreasonable prescriptions to wear a "tight curse" for doctors' diagnosis and treatment. Wang Wei, director of the Information Center of Wuhan First Hospital, introduced that at the end of last year, the hospital added a trial center to have suspected prescriptions on the online trial system.

"To deepen the construction of the clean and honest hospital, let the word" clean and honest "penetrate into the bone marrow." Mei Qunchao, head of the supervisory department of Wuhan First Hospital, introduced it to the hospital actively explore, continuously consolidate the foundation of clearing and integrity, and use a series of new ideas and new measures. Comprehensively promote the construction of clean and honest hospitals: with the "Causeway" as a mirror, continuously inherited the spirit of the "Causeway" in the blood of a doctor; Talent "first buckle" career "first buckle"; carefully selected the integrity cultural book "Qingfeng Run" for the middle -level cadres and key positions of the hospital and produced the "Clean Word Book Sign"; The classroom "shooting clean government micro -videos, creating a breeze corridor promotion column and other popular activities, using cultural education to promote fresh air and righteousness, so that the clean culture" moisturizes and silent ".

In May of this year, the hospital organized all middle -level cadres and 100 medical workers to witness the capacity of the construction project of the New Hospital of Panlong City (Phase I), visited the construction site of the construction projects such as the emergency treatment center building and the traditional Chinese medicine inheritance center, and revisited the construction of the hospital. The process, inherit the "spirit of the gongs", and strengthen the mission of the construction of the "Clean Hospital". The party member medical workers who felt the rapid development of the hospital on the spot, under the leadership of the technical consultant of the hospital and Professor of Duan Yiqun in the hospital, revisited the "second entrepreneurial" struggle of the dermatology department in the 1970s with a vivid micro -party class. From the "spirit spirit" of positive products and Huairen's art, he draws the power of endurance. New party members in 2022 are reading the oath of joining the party.

"Cleaning starts with youth." Wei Li said. In early June, the hospital held the launching meeting of the "Three Trees and Forests" medical talent training project. It was the first hospital in the municipal medical institution to launch talent training projects. At the launch meeting, Professor Duan Yiqun extracted the "clean five" for the youth talents from five dimensions: politically, not economically, academic, not lazy, not oily in the work, for the work, for not oily, to be oily. The first 107 "Qingmiao talents" selected were "the first buttons" of their careers, educating them to "Qing" as the beauty and "integrity" as the proud of the "clean hospital" construction mission.

"This is not only a commendation, but also an incentive to the foundation of party members and cadres and staff in the hospital, promoting the normalization of party history learning and education, and promoting the theme publicity and educational activities of the concept of respect and integrity." Wei Li It is said that at the important moment of welcoming the party's 20th victory, the key node of the second century -old struggle goal is hoped that the cadres and employees of the hospital can keep the original intention, the rules, and the bottom line. The target blueprint of the national and Western medicine combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine has become a vivid practice, which has made new and greater contributions to the construction of health Wuhan and Health Hubei. (Text/Liu Xuan Zhang Mengshi Mei Qun Super Lingling)

[Edit: Yu Lina]

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