What are the adjustments of the ninth edition of the prevention and control plan?

Author:Yangzi Evening News Time:2022.06.30

Bao Jiajun

On June 28, the Comprehensive Group of the State Council's joint prevention and control mechanism announced the "New Coronatte Pneumonia Pneumonia Prevention Plan (Ninth Edition)", which adjusted prevention and control measures. Is the adjusted prevention and control measures more relaxed than ever? In what aspects of the ninth edition of the prevention and control guidelines have been adjusted? On the 29th, the reporter interviewed Bao Jiajun, an expert in the Jiangsu Provincial Health and Health Commission's New Crown Pneumonia Prevention and Control Expert Group (Public Health), Director of the Provincial Centers for Infectious Disease Prevention and Chief Physicians.

Yangtze Evening News/Zi Niu News Profile Reporter Lu Yanlin Chen King Kong Photography

Question: On June 28, the Comprehensive Group of the State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism announced the“ New Coronary Virus Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (Ninth Edition) ”to adjust the prevention and control measures. More loose than ever?

Answer: This is not the case. It is important to emphasize that the ninth edition prevention and control plan is the optimization and adjustment of prevention and control measures, and it is by no means relaxing and controlling, but to be more scientific, standardized, more refined, and more accurate. Risk control, implementation of implementation, and cancellation must be resolutely canceled, adhere to the overall strategy of "external prevention input, internal prevention and rebound" and the "dynamic clearing zero" general policy, further improve the scientific nature of epidemic prevention and control, and to further improve the scientific nature of epidemic prevention and control. Accuracy, make full use of resources, improve prevention and control efficiency, and maximize the overall planning of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. It is necessary to prevent the epidemic and develop a good economy.

Question: At this time, what kind of consideration is the country's announcement of the new version of the prevention and control plan?

Answer: First, based on the changes in the epidemic situation. At present, the new crown epidemic has continued to be popular worldwide. Since the beginning of this year, the frequency of local epidemics across the country has increased significantly, and the epidemic situation has a wide range of regional scope. my country is facing the pressure of "external prevention input, internal prevention and rebound". More severe and complex. In the past month, the overall situation of the prevention and control of the epidemic in my country has been stable, and the number of positive infections has continued to decline. The number of areas with epidemic conditions has also decreased, creating a window period for optimizing and adjusting the prevention and control plan.

The second is based on the characteristics of Omiko's mutant strains. Omikon mutant strains have become the advantages of my country's overseas input and local epidemic. The study reminds that Omircong's mutant strain has a short incubation period, fast transmission speed, strong hiddenness, and strong immune escape ability, bringing new challenges to the prevention and control of the epidemic.

The third is based on the pilot research on the early stage. According to the decision -making deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the comprehensive group of the State Council ’s joint prevention and control mechanism has recently carried out one -month optimization of pilot research on prevention and control measures in 7 cities including Dalian, Suzhou, and Ningbo, and has obtained a lot of scientific basis. Studies have found that the average incubation period of Omikon variants is shortened, mostly 2-4 days; most of them can be detected within 7 days.

Based on the above basis, the state has adjusted and optimized the epidemic prevention and control plan, which is the ninth edition prevention and control plan we see now. It can be said that it is more scientific and accurate.

Question: Compared with the previous edition of the prevention and control guidelines of the previous edition, in what aspects of the ninth version of the prevention and control guidelines have been adjusted?

Answer: First, optimize and adjust the time limit and method of the isolation management of risk personnel. Time to separate the control of close contact and immigration personnel from "14 days of centralized isolation medical observation+7 Heavenly Home Health Monitoring" to "7 -day centralized isolation medical observation+3 Heavenly Home Health Monitoring". 7 -day concentration of observation of medical observation "was adjusted to" 7 Heavenly House Isolation. "

The second is to unify the standards for sealing and control areas and high -risk areas. In the past, we had two types of risk areas to designate standards. One was the standards for high, medium and low -risk areas, and the other was the standards for sealing and control areas, control areas, and prevention and control areas. The ninth edition of the prevention and control schemes corresponds to the two types of risk areas and control measures, and the concepts of high, middle and low risk areas are uniformly used to connect the standards and prevention and control measures to form a new risk zone delineation and control scheme.

The third is to improve the requirements of multi -channel monitoring of the epidemic. The requirements and frequency of different personnel, institutions and environmental nucleic acid testing are clarified, and the frequency of nucleic acid testing of high -risk professional populations is encrypted, and the detection of nucleic acid detection directly contact with entry -oriented personnel, items, and environment is adjusted to once a day. Persons with frequent personnel and strong liquidity have been adjusted to 2 times a week. Increase the antigen test as a supplementary method for the monitoring of the epidemic, and the grass -roots medical institutions can increase the antigen detection to the high -risk zone personnel such as suspected patients and the disposal of the epidemic. Increased drug monitoring requirements. When a local epidemic occurs, personnel who purchase fever, cough, antiviral, antibiotics, colds and other drugs have been registered for real -name registration, and drugs are urged to conduct testing in a timely manner.

The fourth is to clarify the regional nucleic acid detection strategies in different scenarios. For cities, cities, and rural areas above millions of cities, cities, and rural areas, the startup, termination conditions and corresponding nucleic acid detection strategies of nucleic acid detection after the epidemic are clearly clarified. ; After the integrated epidemic, whether the source of infection is clear, whether there is a community risk, and whether the transmission chain is clear, etc., and judge whether, according to the risks, the scope and frequency of regional nucleic acid detection is determined according to the principle of classification.

Edit: Qin Xiaoyi

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